Monday, December 19, 2011

Living the Mission: Homeless Ministry

A family from our church shared their experiences Loving God, Loving Others, and Living the Mission:

Roughly 600 homeless people live in Norfolk. Three out of four are men, and nearly two hundred are veterans. Many homeless live in shelters, transitional housing, borrowed couches, and back seats of cars. A smaller group of them has exhausted all resources and has no reliable support system. They use cardboard boxes as their mattress and a section of concrete curb as their pillow. Some have blankets or sleeping bags; others use their coat or more cardboard for their nighttime covering.

The idea to do something as a family to make a difference started as a Big Serve project. We filled 25 bags with juice, bottled water, canned meat, snacks, an inspirational pass-it-on and hygiene items. On Big Serve Sunday morning we purchased breakfast biscuits and passed those out with the bags to homeless men. We decided to make this a monthly outreach. On our next visit we added hot coffee and a comprehensive listing of service agencies. It was sobering to find a mother and her young daughter sleeping on the sidewalk. Winter plans include adding a knit hat, gloves and socks to the bags.

The bags and breakfasts one day a month will not end homelessness for these people, but we pray that these items will make their day a little better as we demonstrate God’s love to those in need.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Opportunity to serve our Marines

One of our staff members shared the request below. If you are able to help with a box or boxes, please email Thank you!

A young Marine wife affiliated with our church wrote:
My husband is the Platoon Sgt. for 9th Engineer Support Battalion 3rd Division Motor T Maintenance. Some of his guys left on an early deployment in October. A few weeks later the rest of the battalion including my husband joined them. These men and women will spend Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years away from their families.

My husband has asked if he could get care package boxes to his Jr. Marines E-4 and below during their 7 month deployment. I know First Baptist can handle this large but special request for 36 boxes. I have had the opportunity to speak to many of these Marines and I know it would mean the world to them. They ask for nothing particular but things like tuna fish (with a pop top), playing cards of any type, gum, mints, and other snacks would be wonderful. Devotionals or Bibles would also be helpful as it is sometimes difficult for them to go to Chapel. A personalized letter of encouragementwould be nice if possible. I know there are many military families and members at First Baptist so asking them for what to send is a great idea. Please help my husband ensure each one of his Marines that they are loved.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Living the Mission: God’s Amazing Work in the Vietnamese Community of Hampton Roads

The Vietnamese Fellowship is still meeting monthly for regular worship and Bible study at Crossroads Center. The Lord’s favor continues to be upon this ministry as new people are attending and relationships are being strengthened.

At the recent Thanksgiving Celebration, there were fifty-four in attendance and five made decisions to give their lives to Christ! Nine people have made professions of faith in the first twelve months of this Fellowship. “To God be the glory for great things He has done!”

The Fellowship has also been ministering to those in need in the Vietnamese community and we pray that the love of Christ is evident as we support those who are going through difficult times in their lives. As we take action to be the hands and feet of Jesus, we trust hearts will be softened in order to receive the Good News.

Please continue to pray for the Vietnamese Fellowship, and our core members, as we strive to see a viable church plant birthed in the Vietnamese community. Please also pray for the ministry of the team from our church which will serve in Vietnam over the Christmas holidays.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Cards

A church member made us aware of the situation below and we wanted to share this with you...

A little boy named Max from a Lutheran church in Belle Vernon, PA. is eight years old and battling Leukemia. He is not winning. His Christmas wish is to see how many cards he can get. Please help inundate him with warmth and cards!!

Here is his address:
c/o Hailey Remish
417 Jones Street
Belle Vernon, PA 15012

Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Opportunity @ Gosnold Apartments

Volunteers are needed to 1) prepare food, 2) set-up for dinner, 3) serve dinner, or 4) clean-up for a Christmas meal at Gosnold Apartments on Sunday, December 18th. Set-up is at 3:00 pm; dinner is served at 5:00 pm, and clean-up begins at 5:45 pm.

Contact: Wilma Gerald (

Living the Mission: InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

My name is Jessica and I am serving with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA. InterVarsity is a campus ministry located at colleges and universities across the United States and the world with a vision to see students’ lives transformed by Jesus and see them developed into leaders who are passionate about changing the world.

It is so exciting to see what Jesus is doing in the lives of these students. Morgan* is a freshman who came into college not interested in Jesus. After new friends invited her, she decided to check out InterVarsity and plugged into a small group. Over the last couple months she is starting to think about a relationship with Jesus. Eric* is a senior who also came to college not interested in Jesus. His freshman year, he became a Christian and his life changed significantly. He became a leader in InterVarsity and has grown tremendously. When Eric graduates in May he is pursuing a job at a non-profit fighting human trafficking. Please pray with us that Morgan comes to know Jesus and for Eric as he pursues what God is calling him to do.

If you are interested in getting involved in InterVarsity, please contact me at Thanks!

*Name changed

Monday, November 28, 2011

Living the Mission: Good News Jail and Prison Ministry

Good News Jail and Prison Ministry seeks to reach inmates of Hampton Roads Regional Jail with the Good News of Jesus Christ. A member of our church regularly serves there and shared these experiences:

One day while spending time with the inmates, a young man asked if he could lose his salvation. I assured him he could not, and he wanted to accept Christ, so we all got on our knees to pray with him. A look of deep peace came over his face as we finished praying and through his tears he said, “Now I know.” In the days remaining before his release from prison, he shared Jesus with inmates in his housing pod.

One day four new inmates came to Bible Study. Three were Christians; the fourth man believed in God and sincerely wanted to accept Jesus as his Savior but could not. The Christian inmates and I prayed with him. After the earthquake, I visited with this man again and he was smiling ear-to-ear. He viewed that event as a reminder of how uncertain our time on earth is and was able to give his life to Christ! At our next meeting, he gave the closing prayer.

It is a blessing to see and be part of how God is transforming the lives of inmates for His kingdom.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Living the Mission: Hispanic Fellowship Missions Partnership

First Baptist Church of Norfolk's Hispanic Fellowship is pressing on with the God-given task of reaching our world! This summer we began a new partnership with Iglesia Bautista Fuente de Vida in Charlottesville, Virginia. That church's pastor, Daniel Bannister, along with several members, came to Hampton Roads during the first week of August. They helped us host Vacation Bible School and a block party at Harvard Apartments in Chesapeake. Soon afterward, a group from our Hispanic Fellowship traveled to Charlottesville for three days to help Fuente de Vida put on a Family Festival. We also distributed 250 bookbags with school supplies to the children of Southwood trailer park. It was touching to see the faces of the children and parents as they received these donations. We are happy to report that ten children received Christ as a fruit of these labors. We are also excited to begin a weekly "house of prayer" discipleship group in Harvard Apartments. We continue giving all the glory to our God!

Monday, November 14, 2011

World Missions Offering

It's the most wonderful time of the year...Live the Mission Celebration!

We celebrated a wonderful weekend of missions mobilization as many of our members shared their hearts for the nations as well as how God is leading them to serve right here at home.

One question that resonated after our celebration was about our World Missions Offering. Many were wondering about the boxes and the pledges that were made in the worship service. Here are just a few FAQ's. (Frequently Asked Questions)

Are we supposed to return the boxes filled with money? No, it is not necessary for you to fill the boxes with money. The goal for the boxes was to decide what your offering will be and place the box under your tree to represent your family's offering to missions.

When do I give my offering that I pledged? It would be wonderful to have that offering by December 25th as a gift to Jesus to spread his good news, but we actually receive the WMO all year around. So those who are living on a tighter budget can still give throughout the year and see how God is going to use those gifts!

How can I give? A gift to the WMO can be given as an addition to the tithe on your envelope or it can be given online.

Where can I find more information about the WMO? Our new Live the Mission magazine has all of the details. You can also check out this link:

What if I still have questions about missions giving? Contact our Missions Ministry at First Norfolk. We will be happy to assist you.

Living the Misson: Dominican Republic Mission Journey

This year our students traveled to Los Alcarrizos, Dominican Republic to work with the Lighthouse School - a Christian school with an enrollment around 1,300 students. Many of the Lighthouse School's students are sponsored through international fundraising efforts. Discipleship happens on a daily basis as students attend chapel as well as hear each subject taught through the lens of Scripture.

The team participated in construction efforts on a women's fitness center as well as painting a basketball court. Both facilities are used as locations for interaction with the local community to help bring young people in off the streets and share the gospel with them.

We also had the opportunity to work with some of the local children in a Vacation Bible School setting where the children heard a Bible story, played games, and did a craft relating to the lesson.

Thank you for your prayers for and support of this mission journey. We were blessed and humbled by this week-long opportunity to work alongside our Dominican brothers and sisters in Christ to advance the gospel in their country.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Salvation Army Feeding Unit Opportunity


Close to a thousand people each night go to sleep hungry in our community. Yet The Salvation Army Canteen, the Tidewater Area Command's mobile soup truck, sits in a parking lot 5 out of 7 nights because there aren't enough hands to help distribute the meals we have available.

We need your hands & your hearts.

In about an hour we can serve hot nutritionally balanced soup with bread to close to 100 people. If your church, business, or other organization can commit just one night a month for at least six months, six hundred more people go to bed having had a hot nutritious meal.

We have the truck. We have the food. We just need you.

On-site training is available. To find out more about how your organization can get involved contact Shelby Moore at 757.543.8100

Monday, November 7, 2011

October update from Park Place Health and Dental Clinic

Below is an update from the Park Place Health and Dental Clinic in October 2011. Please continue to be in prayer and consider how you might become involved. For volunteer opportunities please email


Total # of October first time patients = 33
Total # of October patients = 258
Total # of October extractions = 167
Total # of October fillings = 122
Total # of October cleanings = 37
Total # of October broken appts. = 19
Total Retail Services rendered in October by the Clinic = $61,450.00


Total # of FBCN Volunteers in October = 17
Total # of ministry prayer opportunities = 5
100% of Clinic Staff are church-attending Christians
Three (3) ministry service project opportunities in October

North Platte Canteen Thank You

Below is a thank-you email we received from a Sailor after some people from the North Platte Canteen ministry at our church met them this past Saturday morning:

Me and over 100 of my newest friends left this morning from the Navy base in Norfolk to go on an IA for a year. We all are very grateful for all those that showed up to see us off so early in the morning. Your gift was very thoughtful and much appreciated.

Thank you from all of us....

International Thanksgiving Banquet Invitation

If you would like to be a table host at this event, please contact Kurnia Foe at

Thanksgiving Banquet Invite

Living the Mission: West Virginia Mission Journey

For five years Young at Heart has traveled to Old Fields Baptist Church to do Vacation Bible School (VBS) and block parties in the community. You are never too old to go on a mission trip!

Upon our arrival in West Virginia, we prayer walked and passed out door hangers inviting the children to VBS. Throughout the week, we held VBS each morning at a trailer park in a cornfield and each afternoon in an apartment complex. The Lord sent new children every day to both sites!

We also assisted the church in preparing 100+ food boxes for distribution in the community. We concluded our week with a block party that included face painting, duck pond, prizes, bubbles, ballooning, ball toss games, an inflatable, hot dogs, chips and soda. God gave us a large turnout for this event.

Thanks to your prayers, God blessed us with safe travel, good health, and nice weather all week. Your contributions enabled us to provide each child with a Bible, as well as some parents who attended VBS with their children. Thank you to our church family for enabling us to step outside our comfort zone to serve the Lord!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

"The Tide" Light Rail Update

Doors continue to open as The Tide rolls into our front door through the new light rail service in Norfolk! Since the grand opening of The Tide, the news has reported an overwhelming response that has prompted discussions of extending the service to Virginia Beach's Town Center. As our church continues to prayerfully seek to intersect with the people of Hampton Roads, God is opening exciting doors of ministry and partnership with ministries along The Tide. I would like to share just a few ways that we are intersecting with these stops along the route of the light rail service:

Norfolk State University- A new partnership is developing with a campus ministry at NSU that will allow us to host student gatherings and invite students to participate in the 127 ministries of our church. The students of this great school ride the Tide for free in order to access shopping, food, etc. We are praying that they will consider going in the opposite direction to First Norfolk as they seek the Living Water of Jesus!

City Hall- The city hall stop is within blocks of our partners serving at Mosaic Church. We are praying that God will continue to connect us with strategic ways to serve with this church and reach the people who frequent downtown Norfolk, the artistic community, the homeless, and many others that Mosaic continues to reach.

YMCA- Another strategic partnership just contacted our church this morning with an opportunity to connect with families through regular athletic and spiritual activities at the YMCA. Much more information will be attached below, but this is a great way to connect people with First Norfolk through a Life Transformation Group or preaching point in the community. Many opportunities exist such as child care, sports, and bible study leadership. What an exciting opportunity to live the mission and connect the Tide with our church!

There are many other things in the works as our church is seeing these doors open for the gospel for such a time as this. The question that we always face is...what does God want me to do? Please contact our missions ministry if there is any way that we can answer your questions and/or put to rest any fears.

In Christ,

Additional information about the work at the YMCA:

Dear Friends of UDM’s Norfolk East Church Plant,

The Lord blessed us with an opportunity to invite you to help with our church plant in Norfolk East. YMCA leaders are graciously opening to us their Norfolk Blocker facility on Saturday evenings from 6:30-9:00 P.M. for our family outreach. We plan to provide classes to train children, teens, and adults in basketball, other sports, the arts, and especially in God’s Word. We will require participation from the parents or mentors of the program’s participants, so we may include more and make the most of this opportunity. As we did with our summer camps this year, UDM invites our related churches to bring leaders and young people to join in this outreach with us.

We ask our partnering churches for additional volunteers who can commit to serve on Saturday evenings for at least three months at a time. We need Bible teachers, sports coaches, music and praise dance leaders, and nursery workers. The Y has offered the use of their entire facility, so we may organize a variety of activities for the families. We plan to offer two Bible class for adults, including a foundational class for new Christians who are just starting Bible study.

The new light rail stops at the Y, which gives several churches, neighborhoods and NSU students a special transportation option. The Tide runs on Saturdays every 15 minutes until 9:30 P.M., and every 30 minutes after then.

Our orientation and training for this ministry are scheduled at the Blocker Y for the first three Saturday evenings in December—Dec. 3, 10, and 17. Our planned start-up date is January 7. Please pray about mobilizing with us and let me know if you and your family can come to the December orientations for training and fellowship.

I’ve been calling the outreach, Saturday Night Life.


Mike Fariss

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

GroupServe newsletter [November/December 2011]

Living the Mission: International Student Ministry

Approximately 1500 international students from 100+ countries study at Old Dominion University. 88% of them will never be invited into an American home.

Global Student Friendship, a student organization at ODU, partners with local churches to host events that provide opportunities to form relationships with international students whereby the love of Christ may be shared. This is the first chance for some of these students to hear the gospel, as many of them come from countries where they have limited access to the Christian faith.

Members of our church have participated in these events, hosted a cookout for international students, and provided temporary housing for students during Hurricane Irene. Upcoming opportunities to interact with international students include a Thanksgiving Banquet on November 19th and an End-of-Semester party in December. Opportunities also exist for families to host international students in their home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. For more information about how you can become involved with the international student community at ODU, contact the missions office or Kurnia Foe at

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Opportunities to serve with the Judeo-Christian Outreach Center

JCOC in Their Shoes

Monday, October 24, 2011

Opportunities to Connect with International Students at ODU

Check out the opportunities below at ODU this week to celebrate Asian culture:

Date: Monday 24

Event: Chinese Cultural Festival by Chinese Student Association

Time: 3:00 pm-6:00 pm

Place: North Mall, Webb Center

Date: Tuesday 25

Event: Asian Cafe

-Afghanistan (12:00-1:00 pm) by Graduate Society for International Studies

-Bangladesh (1:00-2:00pm) by Bangladeshi Students Association

Place: Intercultural Center (2114 Webb Center)

Coffee, tea and refreshments will be provided!


Asian Movie Night: Robin B. Hood by the F.O.R.E.I.G.N.E.R.S.

Time: 7:00 pm-9:30 pm

Place: Learning Commons (Room 1310-1311, Perry Library)

Refreshments will be provided!


Date: Wednesday 26

Event: Asian Cafe

- Korea (12:00-1:00 pm) by Korean Student Association

-Asian American Life and Culture (1:00-2:00 pm) by Asian Pacific American Student Union

Place: Intercultural Center (2114, Webb Center)

Coffee, tea and refreshments will be provided!


Diwali Festival by Indian Student Association

Time: 6:00-8:00 pm

Place: Big Blue Room, Ted Convocation

Food will be provided!


Date: Thursday 27

Event: Asian Cafe

-China (12:00-1:00 pm) by Chinese Student and Scholar Association

-Tajikistan (1:00-2:00 pm) by Gulrukhsor Nazirova, International Student from Tajikistan

Place: Intercultural Center (2114, Webb Center)

Coffee, tea and refreshments will be provided!


Date: Friday 28

Event: Asian Cafe

-Pakistan (12:00-1:00 pm) by ODU Pakistani Students

-Japan (1:00-2:00 pm) by Nichi-Bei Club

Place: Intercultural Center (2114, Webb Center)

Coffee, tea and refreshments will be provided!


For more information:

Office of Intercultural Relations

Phone: 757-683-4406


Living the Mission: Malawi Mission Journey

Our team consisted of four from Chesapeake Fellowship and four from our Norfolk location. As in past years, our work consisted of “hut-to-hut” evangelism, a children’s VBS program, and discipleship/leadership training for adults. Malawian interpreters from the Church Planting and Evangelism Team (CPET) served alongside our team as we worked in two new villages outside the capital city of Lilongwe: Chiliza and Chakakala. In Chiliza we showed the Jesus film and gave a Gospel presentation, to which there was a great response, as was also the case in the hut-to-hut visits. The team also helped with Sunday school and church services in Kamoyo, a village where First Baptist Norfolk teams helped plant a church several years ago. The Kamoyo congregation has completed its church building except for the roof, and the team worshiped with them in their new building.

Responses to the Gospel were tabulated by a CPET member, who reported that 918 people responded to the Gospel. We praise God for the opportunity to minister to these warm-hearted Malawians eager to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ and thank Him for the friendships we have with CPET members who serve with us.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Living the Mission: North Carolina Mission Journey

Our team hosted VBS at Hamilton Baptist Church, where children participated in Bible stories, crafts, recreation, and snacks and youth assisted our team members. Five children made decisions for Jesus and one child wanted to be baptized! Through our mission project, Kits for Kids, children collected school supplies for distribution around the world. On Friday evening a team from First Baptist brought our block party trailer and we celebrated with a community block party, cookout, and closing program.

We wish to thank those who generously contributed to this trip. In the words of our friends at Hamilton Baptist:

For two years, members of First Baptist Norfolk’s Young at Heart group have made the journey to Hamilton, North Carolina. Each summer they help our smaller church host such an excellent VBS that the building is bursting at the seams with children and teenagers. We can hardly begin to express our appreciation for their work and sacrifices. It is a reminder to us that the Kingdom of God knows no boundaries. From the bottom of our hearts we say thank you to this team and to your church for sending them to us.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Opportunities for Involvement in International Student Ministry

Some of our members have began to make connections with international students at Old Dominion University through Global Student Friendship. If you would like to be involved, consider attending one of the following upcoming events:

Diwali Festival
October 26th, 6:00-9:00 pm
Hosted by the Indian Student Association
Held at the Webb Center at ODU

International Thanksgiving Banquet
November 19th, 6:00-9:00
Hosted by and held at Tab Church (Norfolk)

End of Semester Party
Date/Time TBA
Hosted by and held at Christ the Redeemer Church (Norfolk)

Opportunities also exist for families to host international students in their home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. For more information, contact the Missions Ministry at First Baptist Norfolk or Kurnia Foe at

Living the Mission: Big Serve 2011

The great movement that we have come to know as “Big Serve” has made its impact once again in Hampton Roads! The church left the building to serve on the week before Labor Day, especially focusing on the most strategic time of Sunday morning to reach those who are unchurched. These efforts saw many “traditional” projects that continue to make an impact through oil changes and car washes for military spouses, ministry at assisted living facilities, and work with homeless ministries such as Union Mission. We also had some groups who took bold new steps to reach out to newer opportunities. Projects such as the Tide light rail teams, the block parties in Park Place where we are partnering with a local dental clinic for the poor, and our team in North Suffolk blazed trails of ministry in areas where few have dared to serve. While it is impossible to tell all of the stories from this great event, we celebrate the decisions for Christ that were made as at least four people made decisions of faith and two baptisms resulted from the efforts of our members. May we continue to live the mission by serving “big” in the days to come and not wait until next year to share the Good News of Jesus through serving!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

GroupServe Newsletter: October 2011


Monday, October 3, 2011

Living the Mission: Alaska Mission Journey

This is the second year we have been able to serve with this new church plant in Anchorage (True North Church). Last year we assisted them during their pre-launch stage, so they are a little less than a year-old. God has been blessing this church in reaching this city for Christ! In less than a year, they have been averaging over 100 in attendance with highs in the 130’s and 140’s.

This year’s team went through several stages in its preparation for this journey. As with most mission trips, the plans were ever changing and our team had a wonderful attitude that God was in control and we were going to do whatever was necessary to make more of the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

We had the joy of serving in a local soup kitchen (including the prep work!), a local HIV/AIDS clinic, and four days of block parties. The Lord blessed us with amazing weather and we were able to make some wonderful connections between residents and True North.

Please pray for Pastor Brent Williams and True North Church as they endeavor to be a light in an area of great spiritual darkness!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Living the Mission: Hurricane Irene Disaster Relief

Members of our church did not waste any time mobilizing to meet the needs that were created by Hurricane Irene. Before the hurricane had even arrived, Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia were actively working with our church to plan relief efforts through feeding units, chainsaw crews, and donated supplies in anticipation of the worst possible scenario. Despite the loss of electricity, some minor evacuations, and other inconveniences the overall impact of the hurricane was less than expected. Because our members were prepared to live the mission, we were able to distribute a tractor trailer load of supplies weighing almost 4,000 pounds, clear many trees and branches, as well as serve with a feeding unit at Liberty Baptist Church in Hampton. While many families were impacted by these efforts, the greatest impact was felt by one of our neighbors who lives literally across the street as he made the decision to become a follower of Jesus Christ as a result of the assistance that he received. May God continue to bless our labor when we live the mission even in the most difficult times!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Chesapeake Fellowship Prayer Gathering

Chesapeake Fellowship will meet once a month in homes for the sole purpose of corporate prayer.

Our first meeting will be Friday, September 23rd from 7:00-8:00 p.m. at the Albritton home (1905 Keeter Run, Chesapeake 23320).

If you are interested in hosting one of these gatherings in your home, please contact Stephanie Luttrull at or 466.5181.

Living the Mission: Honduras Mission Journey

It is amazing how God can work through a team of people devoted to serving Him and spreading His Word! Our team partnered with Orphan Helpers, an organization that works alongside government employees to provide spiritual and emotional support for children under their care. We visited four of their facilities and sought to display Christ’s love through our actions, skits, and testimonies. As we spent time participating in activities with the children, we had opportunities to share Bible stories and to contribute to daily devotions. We had one-on-one conversations with the youth to foster relationships with them and to answer their questions about Christianity. At one facility, we ministered to several young ladies with backgrounds of abuse and neglect who had children of their own.

Many of our new friends had been exposed to God’s Word but had strayed from His path for their lives. It was our mission to reassure them of the Lord's love and forgiveness and to give them hope. By the end of the week, several individuals rededicated their lives to Christ! In just a short time God allowed us to have an eternal impact on these children's lives. We will remember each child and keep them in our hearts and prayers.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thank You Letter from Union Mission (Big Serve 2011)

Thank You Letter

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Union Mission Newsletter

Below is the September 2011 issue of the Union Mission newsletter. Our church is mentioned in the bottom left.

September 2011

Prayerwalk this Saturday among people from India!

Check out this free event at the Scope. A great opportunity to see people of other religions, pray for them, and converse with them about their faith and the truth of Jesus Christ!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Living the Mission: New York City Mission Journey

We were blessed to serve with Gallery Church Manhattan for the third consecutive year. 22+ million people live in the Metro Area and 1 out of every 300 people in the world live within fifty miles of Times Square! The nations have come to New York City with over 800 language groups represented. God is already at work here with 40% of the evangelical churches in City Center Manhattan today having been planted since 9/11!

Our team was part of 100+ volunteers who traveled to New York to be a part of a ministry called “City Uprising.” The teams participated in a community arts project in a local park, held a community block party, distributed 40,000 invite cards, and assisted several HIV/AIDS clinics. Many spiritual conversations took place and important connections were made with the local church. Pray that God grants Gallery Church local and global influence, through divine appointments, to bring glory to His name and to reach the unsaved of New York City and extending to the nations.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Spoons for Haiti

Spoons for Haiti is a program that provides metal spoons for children in Haiti so that they can eat the hot meals provided for them each day. It may sound like something small, but to them it means the world. Please leave your donated spoons in the designated bin outside the Live the Mission Center. Thank you!

Check out for more details.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Circle of Encouragers Big Serve Recap

I want to start by saying thank you, thank you, and thank you to all who participated! We had 13 in all (plus our 'special assistant,' Matthew Q.). The bagging of the material went very quickly, and we divided into three teams to distribute the bags along the Light Rail line. After a short while, all three teams met at the MacArthur Square stop as the other stops were pretty sparse. Here is a rough tally of what the teams did:

One team started at Ingleside Road, handed out about 20 bags there, then moved to MacArthur.

Another team started at NSU, but nobody was there. The team then went to the Civic Plaza stop downtown and handed out about a dozen bags before proceeding to MacArthur.

The third team started at EVMS, but few people were there. They handed out a few bags then went to MacArthur.

We all handed out bags at MacArthur and also on the trains. In all, we handed out 190 bags, and had several opportunities to explain to people where our church is, and why we were out doing what we were doing. I witnessed a few incidents on the train of kids eating their granola bars from our bags and people looking at the church info cards. I am sure some of you saw the same thing.

I also want you all to know that after the celebration service on Sunday night, Pastor Eric asked Barb and me how our event went, so I gave him the rundown. He was very enthusiastic about our project! He expressed to us that reaching out to Tide riders is a high priority in terms of our church's strategy for reaching Norfolk, and this is one of the first steps in doing that.

Dave Q.

Living the Mission: Disaster Relief

Snow-melt swollen streams, late spring thunderstorms, five inches of rain in one hour, flashflood through town center, inches to feet of mud in homes—from where will hope come? A Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (DR) team from First Baptist of Norfolk, among others from Virginia, responded immediately to the call for help from the Baptist Convention of New England. Hope was brought to this damaged community by these strangers who came from afar in response to the call; hope was brought by the humble acts of service rendered by these DR workers who cleaned flood residue from homes; hope was brought by the listening ear of the DR workers who provided emotional support for the persons affected by the disaster. The Hope was brought by these demonstrations of God’s love and the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Two residents made professions of faith in the week that the First Norfolk team was present; in the subsequent month, as Southern Baptist teams from other states worked, a total of eighteen people came to know the living Hope of Jesus Christ through professions of faith. Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. “

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Great day in our Hurricane Relief Center at First Norfolk!

We were able to help many families and some local ministries through this great time of ministry! Many of our members used this as an opportunity to help their neighbors in need and others gathered supplies for Big Serve. A big thank you goes out to the Gleaning for the World organization.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricane Relief Supplies

For those who have read about our special delivery from Gleaning for the World may be wondering how things are going?

We started distributing the donated items today as our members stopped by for their needs and the needs of their neighbors. Some of our members worked across the street doing debris removal and then came to our "store" to take the local residents some of our materials!

The inventory list has changed. We actually received: bottled water, vitamin water, juices of varying kinds and sizes, generic cola products, wipes, diapers, personal care boxes (heavy), hydrogen peroxide, cleaning supplies, plastic goods, blankets, and possibly other items.

We will work to keep the hurricane relief supplies open from 10a.m. until 5p.m. People are encouraged to take what is needed for their families and neighbors.
Big Serve teams are encouraged to consider how they might utilize these resources as well.

Any questions should be directed to the Missions Ministry of First Baptist Norfolk.
Pray for our church as our members have already shown great boldness in living the mission in Hampton Roads and lives are being changed!

Big Serve Week 2011 Special Update

In the wake of Irene and through a special partnership that our state convention has with Gleaning for the World, we have received a shipment of donated items today to be used by our church in the recovery of our community from Hurricane Irene. This shipment will include: gallon coolers, personal care packages, pet food, paper products, water/juices, nonperishable food, etc..

There are many methods of delivery available:

Individual- Members may come by for themselves and/or their neighbors.

Big Serve- Classes may receive resources for use at the various projects this weekend.

Groups/Organizations- May request prior to arrival to pick up a portion of the resources for distribution.

Hours will be from 10a.m. until 5p.m. beginning on Tuesday, August 30 and will last through Thursday or until supplies are depleted. Any other questions regarding this shipment may be directed to the Missions Ministry of our Church.

Those impacted by the Irene directly who need assistance should also contact the church for assistance with tree removal and other disaster related needs.

Anyone wishing to serve in helping others this week in disaster related needs should contact the Missions Ministry of our Church.

Big Serve Weekend update- New projects are being added daily and God is preparing some wonderful opportunities for us to share the gospel in word and deed. Be sure to visit for up to the minute updates regarding this great weekend and/or contact the Missions Ministry with any questions that you may have regarding your place to serve.

We are excited to see our members preparing to serve with the Union Mission, The Tide light rail and surrounding communities, Habitat for Humanity, the Park Place community in Norfolk, and in many other strategic needs throughout Hampton Roads!

Pray for a mighty movement of God through His people this week as we live the mission through Big Serve!

Craig Clayton

Monday, August 29, 2011

Irene update 8.29 10a.m.

We received news overnight that the Red Cross efforts in disaster relief for Hampton Roads are being scaled back and the feeding unit at Kempsville Baptist Church will not mobilize. Anyone planning to serve in this capacity can stand down for now, but our church would like to encourage you to participate in the donated item distribution that we will be doing over the next few days. (Details are available in a previous post)

We hope to partner with area churches and agencies to distribute those items to those in need. We also hope to connect with our Big Serve teams if they can use these resources for their projects.

Big Serve Registered Project List

Big Serve Registered Projects 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Prayer requested from our local disaster relief servants

One of our disaster relief leaders from First Norfolk wrote:

I ask your assistance with two matters.
Through your networks, social media and FBCN I ask you to request pray for the safety of SBCV DR workers during their travel to Hampton Roads tomorrow. Personnel and equipment based west of Richmond will be moving to Hampton Roads tomorow. With 100 people, this may be as many as 50 vehicles, many with trailers in tow, coming from as far away as Abingdon. By Monday, these people will be operating from Liberty Baptist Church in Hampton, Riverside Baptist Church in Newport News, and Kempsville Baptist Church in Virginia Beach.
The second matter with which I request assistance is the identification of neighborhoods with downed trees and/or flooded homes to which I should direct our assessment, flood recovery, and chainsaw crews. People with information on such neighborhoods may contact or 757-641-4557.
Thank you for your assistance.
yours in Christ,

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Big Serve 2011 begins early

Many of our First Norfolk members are asking about our response to this disaster and much remains to be seen, but I wanted to share our anticipated response as Irene arrives in Hampton Roads.

Friends from the organization "Gleaning for the World," Thomas Road Baptist Church, and the SBCV have arranged for us to receive truck loads of supplies this week. The first truck is scheduled for Monday afternoon and will contain the following:
5 gallon coolers, personal care packages, pet food, insect repellent, and juices

Distribution of these items may begin as early as Monday afternoon once we decide upon logistics. Due to the unpredictable nature of exactly when these supplies will arrive given travel conditions, we are planning for organized distribution to begin on Tuesday from 10a.m. until 5p.m. while supplies last.

The goal will be for our members to participate in delivery as well as receive people from the community who would like to receive assistance as well. Volunteers will be needed for various aspects of this distribution once we are able to fully assess the need involved.

There will also be others serving through Southern Baptist Disaster Relief in feeding units and possibly flood relief. Those trained to do so should have received updates from the SBCV regarding opportunities for service.

Much of this has transpired during a time in which the church offices are closed, so the above plans are subject to change and those interested in serving should remain in contact with the church through this blog and the church website for the most current information.

Any questions regarding this response may be directed to Craig Clayton at

Friday, August 26, 2011

Big Serve Opportunity to Serve with Sailors from the USS ENTERPRISE

Big Serve Opportunity to Serve with Sailors from the USS ENTERPRISE

Groups and individuals needed to partner with this special opportunity!

Gary Sanders wrote:
The USS ENTERPRISE will be sending 25-30 Sailors to join in on a Habitat for Humanity project on Saturday, Sept 3rd, from 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM. At this point I am serving as the POC for this project. Since many of the Sailors will be in the 20-35 age range, I am looking for individuals and/or classes connected to our onetwentyseven ministry (18-20 somethings) who might like help with this project. Might also need individuals from a class of older men who are skilled in carpentry. May need tools as well. Will confirm all next week. Total needed for this project is 50. We will provide lunch as well (need help with that too!). If you are interested contact me at This project will be a great opportunity to serve alongside and build relationships with Sailors from our community! We love and appreciate our military!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

School Supplies for Park Place

My husband and I are hosting a "Back to School Program" for students who are in need of school supplies. I am employed by Norfolk Public Schools as a teacher at Booker T. Washington High School. For the past eight years, my husband and I have worked as volunteers (Soup Kitchen, Youth Outreach Programs, tutoring, etc.) in the Park Place community at the Park Place United Methodist Church, 500 W. 34th Street, Norfolk. Again this year, we will be hosting a program to provide school supplies for needy students. Your assistance will be appreciated in helping us to service the community.

My husband and I will host two programs during the month of September in which school supplies will be distributed. Please contact us at 541-6026 (days)/971-7916 (cell)/628-3575 (Booker T. Washington). We look forward to your church helping us to reach the needs of the community. May God continue to bless your mission organization.

Mrs. Linda Devine
Strategy Specialist

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Living the Mission: East Asia Mission Journey

God is at work in a powerful way on the other side of the world, and He gave us many opportunities to experience His favor, grace, and blessing!

During our first week, we taught English in four government schools using the story of the Prodigal Son. We also spent time with teachers in those schools and were able to have conversations about our faith. In one of the cities, we met the mayor and presented him with gifts from our city. Our exchange and the favor we experienced with government officials there could only come from God!

During our second week, we spent time at a boarding school for students in grades K-12. We taught English, music, and American sports such as football and Frisbee. The students and teachers responded with great enthusiasm! We took part in some friendly competition with the teachers through volleyball and basketball games with hundreds of students watching. On the last night of our stay, we participated in the school's talent show and sang God's Word over 2000 students and teachers! We spent time each night during our second week in leadership training sessions with teachers and were able to develop personal relationships with them. We used Soularium cards as a tool to discuss life issues and to work into conversations about a relationship with Christ. We are hopeful that these relationships that were started will be open doors for the missionaries there.

Living the Mission: Ukraine Mission Journey

For over ten years, our church has partnered with Pastor Vasily Povoroznyuk in his vision to reach the “village jungle” of the Zhytomyr region in northwest Ukraine. One walks into the past in these former Soviet collectives, where residents face poverty and hopelessness.

Our team joined a team from Calvary church in Beaumont, TX, led by John and Shari Griffin. We walked through thirteen villages, inviting people to eight evangelistic services in their town halls. We shared joyful singing in Ukrainian and Russian, our testimonies, and the good news of forgiveness and hope. The men on the team preached the Word and seventy-eight professions of faith were made, as well as many lives rededicated to the Lord. His Spirit moved mightily and accomplished vastly more than we could ever ask or imagine!

At Vacation Bible School, ninety-five children in the morning camp at Vysoke and thirty-eight in Kam’iny Brid heard Bible stories about God’s love. The children brought more children each day to enjoy crafts, games, recreation and snacks. Seventy-two kids prayed to receive Jesus as Savior. Slava Bog = Praise God!

Pastor Vasily gave our team a tour of his newest church in progress in Kam’iny Brid. Members of both churches rejoiced in what their contributions had done, even as the work continues. Begin praying now - will you be part of the mission in 2012?

Welcome Lunch for International Students at ODU

Tabernacle Church (7000 Granby Street) is hosting a welcome lunch for new international students on Sat., Aug 27th from 11:30am-2pm in their atrium room.

They have invited 6-8 people from our church to attend and to be hosts at a table so that they can have 2-3 Americans at a table to interact with 5 internationals. They have a wonderful lunch for them, a short program done by international students, and then hosts drive students back to ODU. This is a great time to make connections and meet the immediate needs of the students as well.

If you are interested in attending, please email for more information.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Opportunity to help freshman students at ODU

If you are interested in helping with freshman move-in at Old Dominion University on August 25th, please let the missions office of the church know by calling 461.3226 or emailing We are working to organize a team of folks to help meet this need.

Monday, August 8, 2011

A Thousand Shoes for a Thousand Smiles

This year AAAA Self Storage wants to help reach the record-breaking goal of providing 1000 pairs of shoes to school-aged children in Hampton Roads. You can help by donating new shoes, becoming a sponsor, or simply spreading the word. Donations are needed by September 1, 2011. If you would like to participate, please contact Keri Rueckert, store manager at AAAA Self Storage Campostella at,, or 757.545.4800. Thank you for considering participating in this project!

Living the Mission: The Bus Stopped Here!

On Saturday morning, June 11th, the activity bus from the Ballentine Assisted Living Home in Norfolk made a stop on Randall Avenue at the home of the Careatti family. Neighborhood families provided a welcoming treat of lemonade and cookies. The fourteen guests also enjoyed great musical entertainment provided by Dave and Donna Thomas.

Some may wonder how such a great event could take place in their neighborhood. The Careattis, as members of First Baptist Church Norfolk and missionary followers of Christ, saw a need at the Ballentine Assisted Living Home while visiting a dear family member there. Their recognition of that need led to Bible studies and other activities with the residents and eventually to this community event involving their neighbors. It just takes ONE person or ONE family to make a difference where they live.

Their neighborhood is already planning for the next bus to stop by. How are you planning to serve where God has placed you?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Collecting School Supplies for the Cuffee Community Center

Hey everyone. Below is a message from Julie about collecting school supplies for Cuffee. Thanks in advance for your help!

We wanted to let everyone know that we will be collecting school supplies for the kids at the Cuffee Community Center to give them at their end-of-summer carnival on Saturday, August 27. Since this weekend is the tax-free weekend, we thought it would be a good time for people to pick up some extra things! A supply list for Thurgood Marshall Elementary School, which is where most of those children attend, can be found at

You can bring these items in to church on any Sunday during the month of August. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me and please spread the word!

Julie Albritton (

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Good News Jail and Prison Ministry Celebration at First Norfolk!

Don't miss the opportunity to celebrate this anniversary at First Norfolk and hear about how our members are involved! For more info visit:

Monday, August 1, 2011

Living the Mission: Peru Mission Journey

Primeria Iglesia Bautista is a church in Villa El Salvador on the outskirts of Lima, Peru. Our church has partnered with this church for the past two years through International Mission Board missionaries Brent and Jennifer Waldrep. Our team’s mission was to spread the Gospel through nightly church activities, a medical clinic, home/school visits, and a sewing ministry. On Sunday, team members taught Sunday school, sang in Spanish, shared their testimonies, passed out fliers about the week’s activities, and delivered two sermons. Throughout the week, the team shared Bible stories with children in schools and families in homes, as well as shared their faith with people they met. In the evenings, they held a substance abuse clinic, special events for men and women, and a church-wide celebration/service. Eighty-two patients were seen at the medical clinic and more than fifty ladies learned how to sew during their time in Peru. Through these various ministries opportunities, twenty-two people came to faith in Jesus Christ!

The church has grown in leadership, evangelism, and outreach ministries since last year. They’ve also grown in size and have purchased a building in which they are holding services. The church is carrying out its vision to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ while serving the community.

Living the Mission: Union Mission Women and Family Shelter Bible Studies

The Bible studies of the Union Mission Women and Family Shelter are vital to the process of the shelter’s ministry. Two daily Bible studies, one in the morning and one in the evening, emphasize time set aside for the women to sit and learn about God, His Word, His gospel and how it all applies to their lives. Many women who come to the shelter are either saved by the power of the gospel or decide to rededicate their lives as a direct outcome of God’s message through the faithful believers who teach Bible study. The potential impact of Bible study is so powerful that one woman decided, after leaving the
shelter, to go to a Christian college and give her life to full-time ministry as a direct result of her learning and growth during the evening Bible studies. God is moving powerfully using His people and His Word to capture hearts and change lives. At the Union Mission He allows the women not only to find a new place to live but also a new
way to live.

In addition to church members who are involved with this ministry, we also have a team that serves at Union Mission by providing free medical clinics. If you would like to become involved in either of these ministries, please call the Local Missions office of the church at 466.5181.

Living the Mission: Uruguay Mission Journey

In May, our team was blessed to work with a special group of missionaries who have been serving in Uruguay for many years. We quickly came to know and love several Uruguayan believers who sacrificed a great deal to serve alongside our team. We were blessed to serve together as one family of believers.

In Juan Lacaze, we shared our testimonies as part of the Sunday morning service and held a Bible study for young girls. We also facilitated a workshop for nurses, many of whom we had met last year. It was a blessing to see how God has worked in their lives this past year!

In Rosario, our main goal was to build relationships with the people of Rosario. Toward that end, our time was spent prayer walking, visiting a nursing home, and inviting people to medical clinics and a family movie night. God answered our prayers by opening a door to the local hospital, which allowed us to present our workshop to the nurses. The head nurse invited us to return that afternoon for balloon animals with the children, a door previously closed to missionaries.

God had been at work in Rosario long before we arrived! We thank Him for the many doors that were opened and pray that the local missionaries will continue to be a blessing to the people of Juan Lacaze and Rosario.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Living the Mission: North American Mission Board Semester Missions

My name is Amber, and I recently returned from a semester-long mission trip in Memphis, Tennessee as a missionary with the North American Mission Board. I was blessed to serve with an inner-city ministry called StreetReach that actively seeks to “reclaim the community for Christ.” I had the opportunity to develop strong relationships with kids who live in the inner city by tutoring, co-running an afterschool program, and leading Backyard Bible Clubs. I was also able to serve with the church’s food, clothes and spiritual counseling ministries every week.
I’m so glad God led me to Memphis! He really allowed me to connect with the people, and I learned and gained so much. Seeing the poverty there gave me an appreciation for my blessings, but it also reinforced the truth that you don’t need material possessions and money to find joy in the Lord. I was able to see true love in action when I witnessed people with hardly anything help friends that had even less, and people who were going through great trials encouraging others in the faith. Even though we can’t often change a person’s situation, just loving and being there for them is extremely valuable.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Living the Mission: Philippines Mission Journey

What an amazing ministry the local church in Manila is engaged in with two squatter villages! Not only is New Hope to Asia Church holding church services in these two locations; they are also meeting other needs in these communities. They are fortifying the education the children receive in the public schools by their Super Kids program that is held every Saturday. 400 to 500 children come to the church each Saturday for worship, Bible study, educational support, and of course lunch.

We were privileged to serve alongside this local church in providing Vacation Bible School, medical check-ups, and a nutritious meal each day. At the end of the week, over 100 children gave their hearts and lives to the Lord.

Our team also had the opportunity to minister to homeless families in the center of the city. Our hearts were broken to see how the children, in particular, had to survive on a day to day basis. The local church is making a difference in these lives as well.

Our desire is return in the near future to minister to these two villages again and explore the possibility of starting a health clinic. Please pray for New Hope and their pastor, Ding Teodoro.