Monday, October 10, 2011

Living the Mission: Big Serve 2011

The great movement that we have come to know as “Big Serve” has made its impact once again in Hampton Roads! The church left the building to serve on the week before Labor Day, especially focusing on the most strategic time of Sunday morning to reach those who are unchurched. These efforts saw many “traditional” projects that continue to make an impact through oil changes and car washes for military spouses, ministry at assisted living facilities, and work with homeless ministries such as Union Mission. We also had some groups who took bold new steps to reach out to newer opportunities. Projects such as the Tide light rail teams, the block parties in Park Place where we are partnering with a local dental clinic for the poor, and our team in North Suffolk blazed trails of ministry in areas where few have dared to serve. While it is impossible to tell all of the stories from this great event, we celebrate the decisions for Christ that were made as at least four people made decisions of faith and two baptisms resulted from the efforts of our members. May we continue to live the mission by serving “big” in the days to come and not wait until next year to share the Good News of Jesus through serving!

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