Monday, August 8, 2011

Living the Mission: The Bus Stopped Here!

On Saturday morning, June 11th, the activity bus from the Ballentine Assisted Living Home in Norfolk made a stop on Randall Avenue at the home of the Careatti family. Neighborhood families provided a welcoming treat of lemonade and cookies. The fourteen guests also enjoyed great musical entertainment provided by Dave and Donna Thomas.

Some may wonder how such a great event could take place in their neighborhood. The Careattis, as members of First Baptist Church Norfolk and missionary followers of Christ, saw a need at the Ballentine Assisted Living Home while visiting a dear family member there. Their recognition of that need led to Bible studies and other activities with the residents and eventually to this community event involving their neighbors. It just takes ONE person or ONE family to make a difference where they live.

Their neighborhood is already planning for the next bus to stop by. How are you planning to serve where God has placed you?

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