Monday, September 12, 2011

Living the Mission: New York City Mission Journey

We were blessed to serve with Gallery Church Manhattan for the third consecutive year. 22+ million people live in the Metro Area and 1 out of every 300 people in the world live within fifty miles of Times Square! The nations have come to New York City with over 800 language groups represented. God is already at work here with 40% of the evangelical churches in City Center Manhattan today having been planted since 9/11!

Our team was part of 100+ volunteers who traveled to New York to be a part of a ministry called “City Uprising.” The teams participated in a community arts project in a local park, held a community block party, distributed 40,000 invite cards, and assisted several HIV/AIDS clinics. Many spiritual conversations took place and important connections were made with the local church. Pray that God grants Gallery Church local and global influence, through divine appointments, to bring glory to His name and to reach the unsaved of New York City and extending to the nations.

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