Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Living the Mission: International Student Ministry

Approximately 1500 international students from 100+ countries study at Old Dominion University. 88% of them will never be invited into an American home.

Global Student Friendship, a student organization at ODU, partners with local churches to host events that provide opportunities to form relationships with international students whereby the love of Christ may be shared. This is the first chance for some of these students to hear the gospel, as many of them come from countries where they have limited access to the Christian faith.

Members of our church have participated in these events, hosted a cookout for international students, and provided temporary housing for students during Hurricane Irene. Upcoming opportunities to interact with international students include a Thanksgiving Banquet on November 19th and an End-of-Semester party in December. Opportunities also exist for families to host international students in their home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. For more information about how you can become involved with the international student community at ODU, contact the missions office or Kurnia Foe at kurniafoe@gmail.com.

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