Saturday, August 27, 2011

Big Serve 2011 begins early

Many of our First Norfolk members are asking about our response to this disaster and much remains to be seen, but I wanted to share our anticipated response as Irene arrives in Hampton Roads.

Friends from the organization "Gleaning for the World," Thomas Road Baptist Church, and the SBCV have arranged for us to receive truck loads of supplies this week. The first truck is scheduled for Monday afternoon and will contain the following:
5 gallon coolers, personal care packages, pet food, insect repellent, and juices

Distribution of these items may begin as early as Monday afternoon once we decide upon logistics. Due to the unpredictable nature of exactly when these supplies will arrive given travel conditions, we are planning for organized distribution to begin on Tuesday from 10a.m. until 5p.m. while supplies last.

The goal will be for our members to participate in delivery as well as receive people from the community who would like to receive assistance as well. Volunteers will be needed for various aspects of this distribution once we are able to fully assess the need involved.

There will also be others serving through Southern Baptist Disaster Relief in feeding units and possibly flood relief. Those trained to do so should have received updates from the SBCV regarding opportunities for service.

Much of this has transpired during a time in which the church offices are closed, so the above plans are subject to change and those interested in serving should remain in contact with the church through this blog and the church website for the most current information.

Any questions regarding this response may be directed to Craig Clayton at

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