Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Opportunity to serve our Marines

One of our staff members shared the request below. If you are able to help with a box or boxes, please email Thank you!

A young Marine wife affiliated with our church wrote:
My husband is the Platoon Sgt. for 9th Engineer Support Battalion 3rd Division Motor T Maintenance. Some of his guys left on an early deployment in October. A few weeks later the rest of the battalion including my husband joined them. These men and women will spend Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years away from their families.

My husband has asked if he could get care package boxes to his Jr. Marines E-4 and below during their 7 month deployment. I know First Baptist can handle this large but special request for 36 boxes. I have had the opportunity to speak to many of these Marines and I know it would mean the world to them. They ask for nothing particular but things like tuna fish (with a pop top), playing cards of any type, gum, mints, and other snacks would be wonderful. Devotionals or Bibles would also be helpful as it is sometimes difficult for them to go to Chapel. A personalized letter of encouragementwould be nice if possible. I know there are many military families and members at First Baptist so asking them for what to send is a great idea. Please help my husband ensure each one of his Marines that they are loved.

1 comment:

  1. This is just a reminder that these boxes can be sent out anytime in the next 5 months
