Monday, August 1, 2011

Living the Mission: Union Mission Women and Family Shelter Bible Studies

The Bible studies of the Union Mission Women and Family Shelter are vital to the process of the shelter’s ministry. Two daily Bible studies, one in the morning and one in the evening, emphasize time set aside for the women to sit and learn about God, His Word, His gospel and how it all applies to their lives. Many women who come to the shelter are either saved by the power of the gospel or decide to rededicate their lives as a direct outcome of God’s message through the faithful believers who teach Bible study. The potential impact of Bible study is so powerful that one woman decided, after leaving the
shelter, to go to a Christian college and give her life to full-time ministry as a direct result of her learning and growth during the evening Bible studies. God is moving powerfully using His people and His Word to capture hearts and change lives. At the Union Mission He allows the women not only to find a new place to live but also a new
way to live.

In addition to church members who are involved with this ministry, we also have a team that serves at Union Mission by providing free medical clinics. If you would like to become involved in either of these ministries, please call the Local Missions office of the church at 466.5181.

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