Monday, November 14, 2011

World Missions Offering

It's the most wonderful time of the year...Live the Mission Celebration!

We celebrated a wonderful weekend of missions mobilization as many of our members shared their hearts for the nations as well as how God is leading them to serve right here at home.

One question that resonated after our celebration was about our World Missions Offering. Many were wondering about the boxes and the pledges that were made in the worship service. Here are just a few FAQ's. (Frequently Asked Questions)

Are we supposed to return the boxes filled with money? No, it is not necessary for you to fill the boxes with money. The goal for the boxes was to decide what your offering will be and place the box under your tree to represent your family's offering to missions.

When do I give my offering that I pledged? It would be wonderful to have that offering by December 25th as a gift to Jesus to spread his good news, but we actually receive the WMO all year around. So those who are living on a tighter budget can still give throughout the year and see how God is going to use those gifts!

How can I give? A gift to the WMO can be given as an addition to the tithe on your envelope or it can be given online.

Where can I find more information about the WMO? Our new Live the Mission magazine has all of the details. You can also check out this link:

What if I still have questions about missions giving? Contact our Missions Ministry at First Norfolk. We will be happy to assist you.

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