Monday, December 12, 2011

Living the Mission: God’s Amazing Work in the Vietnamese Community of Hampton Roads

The Vietnamese Fellowship is still meeting monthly for regular worship and Bible study at Crossroads Center. The Lord’s favor continues to be upon this ministry as new people are attending and relationships are being strengthened.

At the recent Thanksgiving Celebration, there were fifty-four in attendance and five made decisions to give their lives to Christ! Nine people have made professions of faith in the first twelve months of this Fellowship. “To God be the glory for great things He has done!”

The Fellowship has also been ministering to those in need in the Vietnamese community and we pray that the love of Christ is evident as we support those who are going through difficult times in their lives. As we take action to be the hands and feet of Jesus, we trust hearts will be softened in order to receive the Good News.

Please continue to pray for the Vietnamese Fellowship, and our core members, as we strive to see a viable church plant birthed in the Vietnamese community. Please also pray for the ministry of the team from our church which will serve in Vietnam over the Christmas holidays.

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