Monday, December 19, 2011

Living the Mission: Homeless Ministry

A family from our church shared their experiences Loving God, Loving Others, and Living the Mission:

Roughly 600 homeless people live in Norfolk. Three out of four are men, and nearly two hundred are veterans. Many homeless live in shelters, transitional housing, borrowed couches, and back seats of cars. A smaller group of them has exhausted all resources and has no reliable support system. They use cardboard boxes as their mattress and a section of concrete curb as their pillow. Some have blankets or sleeping bags; others use their coat or more cardboard for their nighttime covering.

The idea to do something as a family to make a difference started as a Big Serve project. We filled 25 bags with juice, bottled water, canned meat, snacks, an inspirational pass-it-on and hygiene items. On Big Serve Sunday morning we purchased breakfast biscuits and passed those out with the bags to homeless men. We decided to make this a monthly outreach. On our next visit we added hot coffee and a comprehensive listing of service agencies. It was sobering to find a mother and her young daughter sleeping on the sidewalk. Winter plans include adding a knit hat, gloves and socks to the bags.

The bags and breakfasts one day a month will not end homelessness for these people, but we pray that these items will make their day a little better as we demonstrate God’s love to those in need.

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