Monday, November 28, 2011

Living the Mission: Good News Jail and Prison Ministry

Good News Jail and Prison Ministry seeks to reach inmates of Hampton Roads Regional Jail with the Good News of Jesus Christ. A member of our church regularly serves there and shared these experiences:

One day while spending time with the inmates, a young man asked if he could lose his salvation. I assured him he could not, and he wanted to accept Christ, so we all got on our knees to pray with him. A look of deep peace came over his face as we finished praying and through his tears he said, “Now I know.” In the days remaining before his release from prison, he shared Jesus with inmates in his housing pod.

One day four new inmates came to Bible Study. Three were Christians; the fourth man believed in God and sincerely wanted to accept Jesus as his Savior but could not. The Christian inmates and I prayed with him. After the earthquake, I visited with this man again and he was smiling ear-to-ear. He viewed that event as a reminder of how uncertain our time on earth is and was able to give his life to Christ! At our next meeting, he gave the closing prayer.

It is a blessing to see and be part of how God is transforming the lives of inmates for His kingdom.

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