Monday, November 14, 2011

Living the Misson: Dominican Republic Mission Journey

This year our students traveled to Los Alcarrizos, Dominican Republic to work with the Lighthouse School - a Christian school with an enrollment around 1,300 students. Many of the Lighthouse School's students are sponsored through international fundraising efforts. Discipleship happens on a daily basis as students attend chapel as well as hear each subject taught through the lens of Scripture.

The team participated in construction efforts on a women's fitness center as well as painting a basketball court. Both facilities are used as locations for interaction with the local community to help bring young people in off the streets and share the gospel with them.

We also had the opportunity to work with some of the local children in a Vacation Bible School setting where the children heard a Bible story, played games, and did a craft relating to the lesson.

Thank you for your prayers for and support of this mission journey. We were blessed and humbled by this week-long opportunity to work alongside our Dominican brothers and sisters in Christ to advance the gospel in their country.

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