Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Living the Mission: Hurricane Irene Disaster Relief

Members of our church did not waste any time mobilizing to meet the needs that were created by Hurricane Irene. Before the hurricane had even arrived, Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia were actively working with our church to plan relief efforts through feeding units, chainsaw crews, and donated supplies in anticipation of the worst possible scenario. Despite the loss of electricity, some minor evacuations, and other inconveniences the overall impact of the hurricane was less than expected. Because our members were prepared to live the mission, we were able to distribute a tractor trailer load of supplies weighing almost 4,000 pounds, clear many trees and branches, as well as serve with a feeding unit at Liberty Baptist Church in Hampton. While many families were impacted by these efforts, the greatest impact was felt by one of our neighbors who lives literally across the street as he made the decision to become a follower of Jesus Christ as a result of the assistance that he received. May God continue to bless our labor when we live the mission even in the most difficult times!

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