Monday, September 19, 2011

Living the Mission: Honduras Mission Journey

It is amazing how God can work through a team of people devoted to serving Him and spreading His Word! Our team partnered with Orphan Helpers, an organization that works alongside government employees to provide spiritual and emotional support for children under their care. We visited four of their facilities and sought to display Christ’s love through our actions, skits, and testimonies. As we spent time participating in activities with the children, we had opportunities to share Bible stories and to contribute to daily devotions. We had one-on-one conversations with the youth to foster relationships with them and to answer their questions about Christianity. At one facility, we ministered to several young ladies with backgrounds of abuse and neglect who had children of their own.

Many of our new friends had been exposed to God’s Word but had strayed from His path for their lives. It was our mission to reassure them of the Lord's love and forgiveness and to give them hope. By the end of the week, several individuals rededicated their lives to Christ! In just a short time God allowed us to have an eternal impact on these children's lives. We will remember each child and keep them in our hearts and prayers.

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