Monday, October 17, 2011

Living the Mission: North Carolina Mission Journey

Our team hosted VBS at Hamilton Baptist Church, where children participated in Bible stories, crafts, recreation, and snacks and youth assisted our team members. Five children made decisions for Jesus and one child wanted to be baptized! Through our mission project, Kits for Kids, children collected school supplies for distribution around the world. On Friday evening a team from First Baptist brought our block party trailer and we celebrated with a community block party, cookout, and closing program.

We wish to thank those who generously contributed to this trip. In the words of our friends at Hamilton Baptist:

For two years, members of First Baptist Norfolk’s Young at Heart group have made the journey to Hamilton, North Carolina. Each summer they help our smaller church host such an excellent VBS that the building is bursting at the seams with children and teenagers. We can hardly begin to express our appreciation for their work and sacrifices. It is a reminder to us that the Kingdom of God knows no boundaries. From the bottom of our hearts we say thank you to this team and to your church for sending them to us.

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