Monday, December 5, 2011

Living the Mission: InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

My name is Jessica and I am serving with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA. InterVarsity is a campus ministry located at colleges and universities across the United States and the world with a vision to see students’ lives transformed by Jesus and see them developed into leaders who are passionate about changing the world.

It is so exciting to see what Jesus is doing in the lives of these students. Morgan* is a freshman who came into college not interested in Jesus. After new friends invited her, she decided to check out InterVarsity and plugged into a small group. Over the last couple months she is starting to think about a relationship with Jesus. Eric* is a senior who also came to college not interested in Jesus. His freshman year, he became a Christian and his life changed significantly. He became a leader in InterVarsity and has grown tremendously. When Eric graduates in May he is pursuing a job at a non-profit fighting human trafficking. Please pray with us that Morgan comes to know Jesus and for Eric as he pursues what God is calling him to do.

If you are interested in getting involved in InterVarsity, please contact me at Thanks!

*Name changed

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