Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Living the Mission: East Asia Mission Journey

God is at work in a powerful way on the other side of the world, and He gave us many opportunities to experience His favor, grace, and blessing!

During our first week, we taught English in four government schools using the story of the Prodigal Son. We also spent time with teachers in those schools and were able to have conversations about our faith. In one of the cities, we met the mayor and presented him with gifts from our city. Our exchange and the favor we experienced with government officials there could only come from God!

During our second week, we spent time at a boarding school for students in grades K-12. We taught English, music, and American sports such as football and Frisbee. The students and teachers responded with great enthusiasm! We took part in some friendly competition with the teachers through volleyball and basketball games with hundreds of students watching. On the last night of our stay, we participated in the school's talent show and sang God's Word over 2000 students and teachers! We spent time each night during our second week in leadership training sessions with teachers and were able to develop personal relationships with them. We used Soularium cards as a tool to discuss life issues and to work into conversations about a relationship with Christ. We are hopeful that these relationships that were started will be open doors for the missionaries there.

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