Monday, August 1, 2011

Living the Mission: Uruguay Mission Journey

In May, our team was blessed to work with a special group of missionaries who have been serving in Uruguay for many years. We quickly came to know and love several Uruguayan believers who sacrificed a great deal to serve alongside our team. We were blessed to serve together as one family of believers.

In Juan Lacaze, we shared our testimonies as part of the Sunday morning service and held a Bible study for young girls. We also facilitated a workshop for nurses, many of whom we had met last year. It was a blessing to see how God has worked in their lives this past year!

In Rosario, our main goal was to build relationships with the people of Rosario. Toward that end, our time was spent prayer walking, visiting a nursing home, and inviting people to medical clinics and a family movie night. God answered our prayers by opening a door to the local hospital, which allowed us to present our workshop to the nurses. The head nurse invited us to return that afternoon for balloon animals with the children, a door previously closed to missionaries.

God had been at work in Rosario long before we arrived! We thank Him for the many doors that were opened and pray that the local missionaries will continue to be a blessing to the people of Juan Lacaze and Rosario.

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