Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Living the Mission: Ukraine Mission Journey

For over ten years, our church has partnered with Pastor Vasily Povoroznyuk in his vision to reach the “village jungle” of the Zhytomyr region in northwest Ukraine. One walks into the past in these former Soviet collectives, where residents face poverty and hopelessness.

Our team joined a team from Calvary church in Beaumont, TX, led by John and Shari Griffin. We walked through thirteen villages, inviting people to eight evangelistic services in their town halls. We shared joyful singing in Ukrainian and Russian, our testimonies, and the good news of forgiveness and hope. The men on the team preached the Word and seventy-eight professions of faith were made, as well as many lives rededicated to the Lord. His Spirit moved mightily and accomplished vastly more than we could ever ask or imagine!

At Vacation Bible School, ninety-five children in the morning camp at Vysoke and thirty-eight in Kam’iny Brid heard Bible stories about God’s love. The children brought more children each day to enjoy crafts, games, recreation and snacks. Seventy-two kids prayed to receive Jesus as Savior. Slava Bog = Praise God!

Pastor Vasily gave our team a tour of his newest church in progress in Kam’iny Brid. Members of both churches rejoiced in what their contributions had done, even as the work continues. Begin praying now - will you be part of the mission in 2012?

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