Monday, July 11, 2011

Living the Mission: North American Mission Board Semester Missions

My name is Amber, and I recently returned from a semester-long mission trip in Memphis, Tennessee as a missionary with the North American Mission Board. I was blessed to serve with an inner-city ministry called StreetReach that actively seeks to “reclaim the community for Christ.” I had the opportunity to develop strong relationships with kids who live in the inner city by tutoring, co-running an afterschool program, and leading Backyard Bible Clubs. I was also able to serve with the church’s food, clothes and spiritual counseling ministries every week.
I’m so glad God led me to Memphis! He really allowed me to connect with the people, and I learned and gained so much. Seeing the poverty there gave me an appreciation for my blessings, but it also reinforced the truth that you don’t need material possessions and money to find joy in the Lord. I was able to see true love in action when I witnessed people with hardly anything help friends that had even less, and people who were going through great trials encouraging others in the faith. Even though we can’t often change a person’s situation, just loving and being there for them is extremely valuable.

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