Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Salvation Army Feeding Unit Opportunity


Close to a thousand people each night go to sleep hungry in our community. Yet The Salvation Army Canteen, the Tidewater Area Command's mobile soup truck, sits in a parking lot 5 out of 7 nights because there aren't enough hands to help distribute the meals we have available.

We need your hands & your hearts.

In about an hour we can serve hot nutritionally balanced soup with bread to close to 100 people. If your church, business, or other organization can commit just one night a month for at least six months, six hundred more people go to bed having had a hot nutritious meal.

We have the truck. We have the food. We just need you.

On-site training is available. To find out more about how your organization can get involved contact Shelby Moore at 757.543.8100

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