Monday, October 24, 2011

Living the Mission: Malawi Mission Journey

Our team consisted of four from Chesapeake Fellowship and four from our Norfolk location. As in past years, our work consisted of “hut-to-hut” evangelism, a children’s VBS program, and discipleship/leadership training for adults. Malawian interpreters from the Church Planting and Evangelism Team (CPET) served alongside our team as we worked in two new villages outside the capital city of Lilongwe: Chiliza and Chakakala. In Chiliza we showed the Jesus film and gave a Gospel presentation, to which there was a great response, as was also the case in the hut-to-hut visits. The team also helped with Sunday school and church services in Kamoyo, a village where First Baptist Norfolk teams helped plant a church several years ago. The Kamoyo congregation has completed its church building except for the roof, and the team worshiped with them in their new building.

Responses to the Gospel were tabulated by a CPET member, who reported that 918 people responded to the Gospel. We praise God for the opportunity to minister to these warm-hearted Malawians eager to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ and thank Him for the friendships we have with CPET members who serve with us.

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