Monday, November 7, 2011

Living the Mission: West Virginia Mission Journey

For five years Young at Heart has traveled to Old Fields Baptist Church to do Vacation Bible School (VBS) and block parties in the community. You are never too old to go on a mission trip!

Upon our arrival in West Virginia, we prayer walked and passed out door hangers inviting the children to VBS. Throughout the week, we held VBS each morning at a trailer park in a cornfield and each afternoon in an apartment complex. The Lord sent new children every day to both sites!

We also assisted the church in preparing 100+ food boxes for distribution in the community. We concluded our week with a block party that included face painting, duck pond, prizes, bubbles, ballooning, ball toss games, an inflatable, hot dogs, chips and soda. God gave us a large turnout for this event.

Thanks to your prayers, God blessed us with safe travel, good health, and nice weather all week. Your contributions enabled us to provide each child with a Bible, as well as some parents who attended VBS with their children. Thank you to our church family for enabling us to step outside our comfort zone to serve the Lord!

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