Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Big Serve Week 2011 Special Update

In the wake of Irene and through a special partnership that our state convention has with Gleaning for the World, we have received a shipment of donated items today to be used by our church in the recovery of our community from Hurricane Irene. This shipment will include: gallon coolers, personal care packages, pet food, paper products, water/juices, nonperishable food, etc..

There are many methods of delivery available:

Individual- Members may come by for themselves and/or their neighbors.

Big Serve- Classes may receive resources for use at the various projects this weekend.

Groups/Organizations- May request prior to arrival to pick up a portion of the resources for distribution.

Hours will be from 10a.m. until 5p.m. beginning on Tuesday, August 30 and will last through Thursday or until supplies are depleted. Any other questions regarding this shipment may be directed to the Missions Ministry of our Church.

Those impacted by the Irene directly who need assistance should also contact the church for assistance with tree removal and other disaster related needs.

Anyone wishing to serve in helping others this week in disaster related needs should contact the Missions Ministry of our Church.

Big Serve Weekend update- New projects are being added daily and God is preparing some wonderful opportunities for us to share the gospel in word and deed. Be sure to visit www.bigserve247.org for up to the minute updates regarding this great weekend and/or contact the Missions Ministry with any questions that you may have regarding your place to serve.

We are excited to see our members preparing to serve with the Union Mission, The Tide light rail and surrounding communities, Habitat for Humanity, the Park Place community in Norfolk, and in many other strategic needs throughout Hampton Roads!

Pray for a mighty movement of God through His people this week as we live the mission through Big Serve!

Craig Clayton

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