Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Circle of Encouragers Big Serve Recap

I want to start by saying thank you, thank you, and thank you to all who participated! We had 13 in all (plus our 'special assistant,' Matthew Q.). The bagging of the material went very quickly, and we divided into three teams to distribute the bags along the Light Rail line. After a short while, all three teams met at the MacArthur Square stop as the other stops were pretty sparse. Here is a rough tally of what the teams did:

One team started at Ingleside Road, handed out about 20 bags there, then moved to MacArthur.

Another team started at NSU, but nobody was there. The team then went to the Civic Plaza stop downtown and handed out about a dozen bags before proceeding to MacArthur.

The third team started at EVMS, but few people were there. They handed out a few bags then went to MacArthur.

We all handed out bags at MacArthur and also on the trains. In all, we handed out 190 bags, and had several opportunities to explain to people where our church is, and why we were out doing what we were doing. I witnessed a few incidents on the train of kids eating their granola bars from our bags and people looking at the church info cards. I am sure some of you saw the same thing.

I also want you all to know that after the celebration service on Sunday night, Pastor Eric asked Barb and me how our event went, so I gave him the rundown. He was very enthusiastic about our project! He expressed to us that reaching out to Tide riders is a high priority in terms of our church's strategy for reaching Norfolk, and this is one of the first steps in doing that.

Dave Q.

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