Monday, November 19, 2012

The REALITY for International Students

Dear friends,

According to a report from an International Education NGO, in 2012 there are 764,321 international students (IS) studying in the US.

The top-5 countries are China (194,029), India (100,270), South Korea (72,295), Saudi Arabia (34,139), and Canada (26,821).

Among the top-25 leading countries in 2012, list of countries with a double digit IS enrollment POSITIVE growth (comparing 2011) are
1. Saudi Arabia (50.4 %)
2. China (23.1 %)
3. Iran (24.1%)
4. Venezuela (14.4 %)
5. Spain (13.7 %)

While countries (in the top-25 leading countries with the most sending IS in the US) with a significant IS enrollment DROP (comparing 2011) are
1. Thailand (-7.4 %)
2. Nepal (-6.6 %)
3. Taiwan (-6.3 %)
4. Japan (-6.2 %)
5. India (-3.5 %)

One study suggests that 80% of Internationals have never been invited into an American family home which I assume, American families who open and are brave/willing/passionate to welcome foreigners are Christian families. It means in the US, as many as 600,000 Internationals would go back to their countries WITHOUT any contact and experience with American families.

While in our area (Williamsburg to Va Beach), according to the NGO report, there are at least 2,000 International student enrolling in ODU and other local colleges. As many 1600 Internationals in our area have never been invited into a loving and friendly American homes! They too will leave this area or go back to their home countries without having any contact or intimate relationship with American families/friends.

Would you be praying with us to change this reality?


Dear friends and colleagues

I received an email last week from a friend who is a very respected leader in International Student Ministry in the US.
The message touches me so much, and I hope it will encourage you as well to serve and reach out to the Internationals, strangers, and foreigners

It's an honor to serve the nations with you for God's glory.

Happy Thanksgiving, dear friends.
Blessing in Christ,
LORD JESUS, you've told us to take your Gospel to all peoples of all lands. But we find this too hard! We're required to leave families, friends and familiar culture and go to a strange land to tell your message in a foreign language to an alien people. Most of them already have a religion which is interwoven into their whole culture and lifestyle. Besides, we Christians aren't welcome in some parts of the world, and are forbidden to teach your message (or even to go) to some lands. And the cost! If we really tried to reach the world in this generation, it'd bankrupt us all.
So we propose an alternative plan: you send the world to us! Have them come at their own expense - and learn our language before they come! Make them hungry for our friendship, anxious to come to our homes and willing to go to church with us. Send the young, teachable ones. Send those who are bright and vigorous, who'll someday be leaders in their home countries. Arrange for them to stay for several years so we can win a hearing for the Gospel and have time to teach them well after they become believers. Especially send many from places where missionaries are forbidden to go, including Iran, Saudi Arabia and Mainland China. How many, Lord? Oh, some 700,000 perhaps, well spread around the country so many churches and individual Christians can take part.
Now, if you'll do this, then we promise to make sharing Christ with these people one of our highest priorities. We'll get to know them, win a hearing through extending friendship and try to learn how to explain your Gospel to them clearly. We'll work and pray. It might sound like a lot to ask, but you can do it, can't you?
Glen Zumwal
God bless,

Kurnia Foe
Global Student Friendship
"Serving Internationals with the love of GOD" ( Lev 19:34 )

Friday, November 9, 2012

St. Mary's Home for Disabled Children - November 18th

We are greatly excited about the opportunity to love and show the hands and feet of Jesus to the children and staff at St. Mary's on Sunday, November 18th at 2PM. If you will be attending please let me know so we can give a list of volunteers to the staff prior to our visit and we can plan accordingly. When we first arrive we will be assisting the staff with their afternoon recreational activities. We will than divide into groups and have an opportunity to visit and read to the children in their rooms. We are very excited about having new volunteers join us at St. Mary's. Similar to VBS each adult (18 and older) need to have had a TB test within the past year.
     The current list of volunteers that we have are as follows: Luann Hoessley, Lynne Twiford, Jimmy Bruff, Ashlyn Hockman, Christine Marsh, Alicia *Hanaczewski*, and Lynn Gordon.
     If you previously communicated that you were able to come and cannot come, please let us know so we can modify our list. We greatly look forward to hearing from each of you and pray that you will be able to join us for this blessing. Please continue to pray for and let others know about this great opportunity to show love to our neighbors at St. Mary's.

Sara Horning

Saturday, October 20, 2012

St. Mary's Home for Disabled Children

Back by popular demand. . .  We are going Sunday, October 28th at 3:00 to love on the children and staff at St. Mary's!  Are you coming with us?  

We would love to have you come once again and share your love with these special children and staff.  We will begin on the 28th going once a month to St. Mary's for a time to show our suport and encouragement to our neighbors at St. Mary's.  We will also be going on November 18 and December 16 at 2:00pm,  so put it on your calendars.  Please let me know if you will be able to come so we can wait for you in the lobby at St. Mary's and inform Lauren of who will be attending.  

Similar to VBS we need to have an updated TB test completed.  If you are older than 18 and  have NOT had a test in the past year please let us know so we can schedule you for a free test at St. Mary's.  

I look forward to hearing from each of you!

Many Blessings,

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Twin Canal Village Opportunity!

I just had the opportunity to tour a subsidized housing area in the heart of Virginia Beach near the intersection of S. Independence and Lynnhaven Pkwy.  As I entered the housing development, there were children everywhere.  They had been released from classes early today, so they were looking for something to do.  

I could not stop and play today as I was there on "official business."
I had the privilege of meeting with Vicki and Suzy who have a heart for this complex that mirrors many of the needs that we have seen in Park Place and Cuffee.  In speaking with these women of God, they shared the needs that exist for someone to work among the approximately 30 Vietnamese residences (which could represent more than 30 families) in this area as well as the other residents who live there.  

While much of the schedule is full throughout the week, they have requested that we pray about serving here on the weekends with these families who are facing many issues that are common in government subsidized housing areas. 

So I am praying for the following:

1.  For God to build a bridge with our Vietnamese Fellowship as we prepare for an upcoming celebration this month.

2.  For God to raise up someone willing to teach ESL in this housing  development.

3.  For groups who would serve in this area on the weekends.

4.  For a liaison who would communicate with the director and assist in facilitating events in this area.

Pray for Twin Canal Village as we seek to begin a new opportunity for First Norfolk in this area of need.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Here is a Great Opportunity to help Contribute to the GLOBAL FRIENDSHIP HOUSE Global Gale Eblast

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Brook Baptist Food Pantry Needs Some Help

Here are some ways you can assist the Brook Baptist Church - Food Pantry Ministry

Current Needs at Brook Baptist Church
September 14, 2012

Fall Festival:                             Block party trailer

                                               3-4 volunteers to help distribute
                                                invitations in our community

4 or 5 volunteers (2 women would be great) to help set up, staff, tear down (We will have lots of volunteers as well.)

Loaves and Fishes Food Ministry:

 Monday or Wednesday a.m. pick ups at local grocery stores (usually between 8 and 10 a.m.)     1-3 volunteers

 Monday packing bags, boxes (between 4 and 7 p.m.).                                                             2-4 volunteers

 Wednesday intake of clients (2:45-5:00 p.m. shift or 4:45-7:00 p.m. shift)                             1-3 volunteers

 Wednesday monitoring of shopping tables (2:45-5:00 p.m. shift or 4:45-7:00 p.m. shift)         1-3 volunteers

 A volunteer at your church willing to gather plastic or paper grocery bags from your members (a constant 
 need as we use between 4 and 500 per week!)

Financial support: 

            Our budget is really very low considering the fact that we distribute over 35,000 lbs. of food per
            month to approximately 600 families.

            If we had greater income, we could purchase healthier food items.  1 in 5 children in America are food
            insecure at some point during the year, but 1 in 3 are obese!

            In addition, our utility costs are very high since we are working in the church building so much.

            Greater income would also give us the opportunity to purchase and distribute more Bibles and
            evangelistic material in other languages since we have a number of other cultures represented in our


Here is listing of some New Ministry Opportunities, and also some Ongoing Ministry Opportunities to get involved in. 247serve Newsletter Sept-oct

Salvation Army - Christmas Assistance Program

Here is a way we can LIVE THE MISSION by helping the Salvation Army Salvation Army Letter - Christmas Assistance

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Outreach for Christ


Prayer Ministry: Several people to come in to help Ramona enter data in the prayer calendar that goes out every Thursday.

 Phone Callers: Several people to call from OFC’s data list. HUGE need. We want to keep in touch with our supporters.

Toy Repair: Several people to help Bob O. with the toy repairs.

 Street Ministry: Men and Women to go out on Friday night with Wayne and his group to witness The Good News of Jesus.

Jail / Prison Ministry: Several people to go into the Virginia Beach and Norfolk Jails. A time to witness!

Data Entry: There is a huge need for help in this department. Will you consider to help?

Clothing Ministry: OFC is so very blessed to receive clothing from many donors, however, the need for help to sort the clothes into the appropriate place, is a great need.

Intake Coordinator: This is work for several people to unpack the donated boxes received; items then, are sent to the appropriate area.

Toy warehouse assistant to Brenda: Someone to help Brenda with all the toys, yard sale items, and all that she needs help with.

 Dolls: The need for people to clean and dress dolls is great. Would you like to play with dolls while preparing them for Christmas gifts?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Helping to Feed the Homeless

Dear Serving Friends at First Baptist Church of Norfolk,

We are so humbled and honored to serve the homeless people at Union Mission Ministries.
With food donation that you gave after event at your church, you helped us to reach 10,000 meals donated to homeless people at Union Mission (since 2011).
Our ministry also partners with Old Dominion University to bring all leftover meals from ODU campus to homeless shelter.
Thank you for your partnership and care for the homeless.

May the Lord continue to bless First Baptist Church of Norfolk families!
God bless,

Kurnia Foe
Global Student Friendship
"Serving International students and family with the love of GOD" ( Lev 19:34 )

Friday, August 31, 2012

The First FISH (Friday International Supper and Hospitality) Fellowship - Fall 2012

Event for Global Student Friendship at Hampton Roads · By Kurnia Foe.
 Event Today: 6:00pm until 9:00pm.
Location: Crossroads Church 1127 Surrey Cres, Norfolk, Virginia 23508

 We still need help for FISH tonight: Here are some of the ways you can Help:
1. Food and drink donation (if you want to bring food (dish, snack, dessert), please contact Lian Foe at
2. Setting up tables and chairs for 80 ppl (meet us at Cross Roads Church at 5:00 pm)
3. Giving ride to Int'ls (meet us at 1069 W 49th St LARGE parking lot at 5:30 pm)
4. Greetings and name tags (pls come at Cross Roads Church at 5:30 pm) ...
5. Serving the food line
6. Table hosts and talkers (we need 16 Americans to be seated in 8 table - so 2 Americans in each table)
7. Cleaning up (we need to clean and leave the building by 9:00 PM in a good condition)

If you can help in any of these ways please contact: Kurnia Foe 757-309-0808.

Hello dear International and American friends,
      Hope you have a great semester at ODU this week. We want to invite you to join us for a night of international fellowship on Fridays called FISH or Fridays International Supper and Hospitality. Supper is a meal that is served between 6-7 pm. Our gathering is open for everyone. We love people from different nations. It is a wonderful experience as we meet people from around the world, learn about their culture respectfully, and study God's Words together in our...fellowship. We meet on Friday evening from 6:00-9:00 pm. International meal is served at 6:00 pm. (For food and drink: American friends are encouraged to bring food to share. If Int'l friends would like to bring food, it' welcome but it's not mandatory. Thanks). The topic for this Friday is "God loves the peoples of the world" and the speaker is our friend, Rich Hardison. Rich is now the Senior Pastor of Virginia Beach Community Chapel in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He and his wife are very active in serving Internationals from around the world. They often host International events at their house. They have two children, Janel and Zach, and four grand children. Their global experience includes several months teaching English in, at the time, a new country called Ukraine (in early 1990s). Hope to see you this Friday.
 Best regards, Frency, Kavitha, Sem, and Kurnia

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

BIG SERVE: Project Listings

If you are not already involved in a Big Serve project - find one here, there are various projects to get involved in. Big Serve Registered Projects 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012


On behalf of Mobilizing Churches and the SBC of Virginia, the below announcement is intended to make you aware of an upcoming training that is close-at-hand. Please pass this on to folks at your church that may be interested in ESL. For information about this and other Mission opportunities, please visit us at 
Are you interested in starting an ESL ministry in your church? Do you desire to be trained as a teacher? In order to teach in an English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) Ministry, you are required to complete a four-part workshop which qualifies you for certification through the North American Mission Board.
First Baptist Church, Norfolk will offer all four-parts in their workshops which qualifies you for certification through the North American Mission Board. You must attend all sessions.
Date and Time:
Thursday, September 13th , 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Friday, September 14th, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Saturday, September 15th, 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Where: First Baptist Church, Norfolk, 312 Kempsville Road, Norfolk, VA 23502
Cost: $20 to cover the cost of your book.
Please contact Jim & Susan Austin (804-748-7070) or<> <> with questions or to register. Registration is needed at least a week before the workshop to assure that your book arrives on time.
Sue Sawyer
Associate Church Mobilization Strategist Mission Projects SBC of Virginia
804-270-1848<> <>Please note, the SBCV main office address will be changing as of Oct. 1, 2011 [more info<>]:
4956 Dominion Boulevard | Glen Allen, VA 23060

Thursday, July 19, 2012

PRAY through Ramadan - (July 20th-August 18th)

Dear Friend of the Persecuted,

Beginning this week on July 20, and continuing for 30 days, Muslims around the globe will fast and pray from sunrise to sunset. Ramadan is the holiest time for a Muslim…and the most challenging for Christians.

Open Doors is calling on Christians worldwide to unite in prayer for our brothers and sisters living in Islamic-dominated countries; praying for strength when harassed, for comfort if fearful, but most importantly to be emboldened to share the Gospel when possible.

But this is also one of the most powerful opportunities to pray for Muslims as well. As they seek God during this time, we can pray that they find Jesus!

Here is what you can do!
  • Unite and Pray - Register to receive the free 30-day Ramadan Prayer Calendar as well as a reference guide on Ramadan and the Islamic religion.
  • Get Others to Pray - Please share this email with at least ten friends. Or more!
Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer.

Register today at:
Sign-up today and receive the Open Doors 30-day Ramadan prayer guide and a quick reference guide on Ramadan and the Islamic religion. 

Standing and Praying Together,

Open Doors USA

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Service Opportunity

An Invitation  to participate
"Sweet Potatoe Drop"
Date:  July 14, 2012
Time:   5:30 a.m. - until completion
Place:  Sam's Club Parking Lot, 
1501 Sam's Circle, Chesapeake, Virginia
(near)  Battlefield Blvd
 All  non profit, church or school agencies that desire to pick up must RSVP by 5:00 p.m. July 13, 2012
Volunteers are needed to bag and load.  Volunteers please respond via email at
In His Service
Apostle Wallace
Tidewater-Eastern Shore Regional Gleaning Coordinatoremail: 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

International missions at ODU continues!

Living the mission opportunity at ODU!
Our church has been invited to assist other local churches in preparing 25 bags for a welcome party on August 25th for new international students in partnership with the Global Student Friendship organization.  We have also been invited to have five of our members to serve as table hosts for this luncheon. For more information contact Craig at or by calling the church.  Below is a list of the items that they are asking to be included in each of the Welcome Bags.
Dish detergent
Dish towel
Wash cloth
Hand towel
Laundry bag
Laundry detergent
Zip lock bags
Paper towels
Toilet paper (4 pack)
Hand soap (liquid)
Bar soap
Clothes hangars
Rags (several of the generic white cloths)
Local map
Sweets (mini candy bars or...)
****Global Student Friendship will provide us with the bags that need to be filled with the items you purchase.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Our First Baptist Builders did a great job at the ODU BCM in partnership with Brett Baddorf, director.  Pray for our Missions VBS team that will be serving here!
A new wall enhanced the welcome of the BCM
A stage addition will enhance the ministry and gatherings of the BCM

A cabinet for the dishwasher was a welcome addition

A sound system cabinet for the control board

More Summer Updates!

We have more opportunities that continue to arise even after we published our local missions newsletter!  Check these out:

ODU Block Party- We will be having a block party this Saturday, June 16 from 1-3p.m.  This will be a great time to pre-register people for our Missions VBS event and interact with the community.  Come early and help set up or participate in the MFC Training at noon!

What is MFC Training?  I'm glad that you asked!  Missionary Follower of Christ training is a time for us to begin the conversation of what is an MFC and how can we grow in this calling.  Join us at the ODU Baptist Collegiate ministry before the block party at noon for a brief overview of this training.  Another training is being planned for July as well.

Gosnold apartments Independence day cookout- Join our Gosnold apartments team as they have a cookout, music, and other activities for the residents of this facility who are recovering from chronic homelessness.  Be sure to note that this event is being held on July 1 from 3:30-6:30p.m. Contact the missions ministry for more information.

I'm sure that there are many more as our members continue to seek ways to intersect with Hampton Roads.  We pray that you find those opportunities to reach out to friends and neighbors over the days ahead as we live life together.  Keep living the mission!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Live the Mission this Summer!

     Are you ready for the summer?  When we consider being READY for the summer images of inner tubes, fishing poles, and lemonade fill our minds.  As we seek to be Missionary Followers of Christ we need to look beyond the rest and relaxation components of summer to ask God, "How will I actively and passionately follow Jesus this summer?"

     There are many normal activities that we embrace such as Vacation Bible School, fellowship gatherings, and substituting in needed areas as fellow members travel and vacation.  While these are wonderful things to engage in, we need to continually ask God  if he doesn't have something more in mind for us.

     A popular commercial right now shows a man who has mastered the word "and."  Every time he goes into job interviews, faces a firing squad, etc. he simply asks the one word question, "And?"  To which those with whom he is speaking expand the original plan for something bigger and better than he would have ever expected.

     We need to ask the same of God this summer.  I know that there are those standard experiences that I expect to have every summer, but as I step out in faith, when are some of those times that I could follow Jesus into if I simply asked "And?"  This requires us to be ready for God's answer as he leads us to greater opportunities to make a God-sized impact on our world.

     Many of our international teams are forming and preparing for great opportunities to take the gospel to the uttermost parts of the world.  There are needs with these teams and possibly even last minute opportunities to join them in living the mission globally.  Follow our blog for updates and/or contact us if you have questions or interests in serving.  Will you ask God, "And?"

     In addition to our VBS efforts, we are preparing for two significant Missions VBS opportunities with St. Mary's home for disabled children as well as the International families at ODU.  These will be game changers as we impact families who are facing many needs that extend beyond a five day event for their children.  Will you ask God, "And?"

     Another way in which God is moving our members is to reach out to those living in some of our regions most challenging neighborhoods.  Works in the South Norfolk area of Chesapeake and the Park Place area of Norfolk are giving our members tangible opportunities to serve in the community among the least of these.  We are praying that God will continue to open great doors of ministry in these areas and that the Lord of the Harvest will raise up laborers to serve.  Will you ask God, "And?"

     While many of our members have engaged successfully in the mission of our church, there are still many who remain on the fence trying to find that point of entry for them and their families.  That is where MFC (Missionary Followers of Christ) training comes in.  We are planning a time in which we will intentionally invest a Saturday morning in June and July with the purpose of training and applying that which God is calling us to.  We will actively engage people on the Tide light rail, at cultural events in the region, at the World Market on Newtown road, etc.  Will you ask God, "And?"

     There are many more, but I am not writing this to sell you another program.  This call is for us as missionary followers of Christ to make an eternal impact through God's call to live the mission on a daily basis.  Where will you start today?

Will you ask God, "And?"

Serve Opportunity w/ Sr. Adult Member

I need help moving a senior citizen of First Baptist Norfolk from an a one bedroom RiverPoint apartment near DePaul Hospital in Norfolk to Cromwell House Apartments at Wards Corner in Norfolk.

On Thursday evening, May 31, at 6:00 pm we will move her out of her current apartment. On Saturday, June 2 at 1:00 pm we will move her into her new apartment.
If you can assist me with this move, please e-mail, and I will provide you additional details.

yours in Christ,

Bob Williams
757-641-4557 cell

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Serve!

I have had the thought over the past few days, "If you can't find an opportunity to serve this Easter, then your SERVER is down!" My prayer is that none of our SERVERS are down, but rather that they are ready to take the Good News to the highways and by-ways of Hampton Roads!

Here are just a few examples of the good things that are in the works:

International Easter Gathering- We have the supreme opportunity to welcome a great group of international college students, staff, and other members of our community for a meal and subsequent worship service at First Norfolk. This is an unprecedented opportunity to share this life-changing message with people who may have never heard about the Jesus of Easter. Table hosts and Servers will have this joyful opportunity to serve on April 7th at 4pm in the Fellowship Hall of First Baptist Church Norfolk. For registration information contact Nancy Cuda at

Gosnold Apartments Easter Celebration- The volunteers who serve regularly at this government subsidized multi-housing facility invite you to join them as they plan to serve a meal and the ultimate message at 2425 Gosnold Avenue. The residents of this facility are people who were chronically homeless in our community and God has given us this great opportunity for over four years now. For more information contact Wilma Gerald at

Welcome Carnival- This is not just another carnival to bring the family out to on April 21st from 12-4p.m., but rather a strategic opportunity to connect with our guests who visit First Norfolk on Easter weekend as well as those who our members are reaching out to as their One person in need of saving faith and a loving church family. Volunteers will be needed for food, bounce houses, and games on this great day of family fun. Contact Don Decker at for registration and an opportunity to serve.

There are many other opportunities along the way for everyone to serve and to reach out to their One, but this gives you a taste of how God is moving among our fellowship. We hope that you will commit to pray and serve in these opportunities in the days ahead as we consider what it means to truly celebrate Easter...not only through our cultural expressions, but through true life change.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Living the Mission: LTM Cafes

The Missions ministry has begun to host cafés where church members can hear firsthand how God is at work around the world and how to become involved.

In November, a missionary to the Calcutta region of India shared how God is transforming lives there. Brent Waldrep, missionary to Peru, shared in December about the amazing things God is doing in this South American country. Our church first partnered with Brent while he served in Brazil and has continued to work with him since his relocation. We will be sending mission teams to serve in India and Peru this summer in support of these ministries.

In February we hosted a missionary to the Middle East who told powerful stories of how God is drawing Muslims unto Himself. She shared about what life is like in a Middle Eastern country and demonstrated how to share the gospel with Muslim women using henna. Brochures about this art form of evangelism are available in the Live the Mission Center. If you would like to learn more about how to reach out to Muslim women or participate in a future Live the Mission Café [our next one is scheduled for March 25th and will focus on jail and prison ministry], please contact the missions office at 466.5181 or

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

International Student Easter Dinner

Have you ever had an opportunity to serve a meal, sit across the table from, or worship with someone from a different country who may have never heard the Good News of Jesus? This Easter you can! On Saturday, April 7, our church will host 100-200 International ODU students for a meal and worship service. Volunteers are needed to serve as table hosts, food servers, and in other roles. The actual dinner starts at 4:00, but we will need help before that if anyone is available earlier. Contact the Missions Ministry, 466-5181 or to participate in this exciting opportunity to Live the Mission!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Living the Mission: Young at Heart/Senior Adults on Mission

Our Young at Heart (YAH) senior adult group shared their experiences Loving God, Loving Others, and Living the Mission:

For several years our YAH group has dressed bears for the Salvation Army as a mission project. A few weeks before Christmas the Salvation Army supplies the bears and individuals dress them however suits their fancy. The bears are returned to the Salvation Army and needy children are given their choice of a bear to take home for Christmas. In 2011 our group dressed and returned 220 bears!

The YAH group also participates in Project Linus, a non-profit organization dedicated to “Providing Security through Blankets" for ill or traumatized children and teens. Project Linus is named after the character from the Peanuts comic strip and was inspired by a picture of a young cancer patient holding her security blanket. Project Linus has donated more than 4,000,000 handmade blankets to comfort children in hospitals, shelters, and hospices across the nation. Our YAH group contributes fifteen to twenty blankets each month to area hospitals and ministry/outreach organizations. This past year our blankets were also sent to Joplin, Missouri following the tornados.

For more information or to get involved, contact Betsy Daughtridge at or 461.3226 ext. 251.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Living the Mission: Project Hats of Hope

A church member shared her experiences Loving God, Loving Others, and Living the Mission:

The Hats of Hope ministry began with my passion to crochet. I knew God gave me this talent, but was unsure how to transform it into something more. I prayed for wisdom and God answered through an advertisement I saw for St. Jude Hospital. I immediately realized I needed to make hats for children battling cancer. I mentioned my vision for this project to my home Bible study group and they encouraged me. We prayed, set a goal to make fifty hats for a children’s hospital, and have been working ever since. Friends and coworkers who are non-Christians have joined us in this effort. We met our goal! We delivered the hats to children at Portsmouth Naval Medical Center in mid-January. In mid-February we delivered hats to K-Love for babies/children in Afghanistan and to Hope Haven for Romanians in the midst of a brutally cold winter.

It is an absolute pleasure every time we meet to make hats. God is leading and using us in ways we never imagined. Our new goal is to adopt an orphanage and make hats for the children there. Further, we intend to sell hats to support missions. God is using our hands to make something beautiful—something that will impact a child’s life.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

International Ministry Opportunity

Kurnia Foe with Global Student Friendship at ODU shared this opportunity with us today:

I want to invite you to come to this coming Saturday event with our partner at the Beach, Virginia Beach Community Chapel (VBCC) which is the key player summer outreach for Internationals J-1 visa workers who are mostly undergraduate students from around the world who take their time off to work and learn English and American culture in the US.

We have almost 20 nations represented by ODU Internationals who are going to present their couintries at "Nations village" at 5:00 PM at Virginia Beach Community Chapel. If you could come one hour early which I encourage to do so in order that you could hear a talk by Dr. George Murray, former TEAM President (TEAM is a mission agency), former missionary to Italy, and now is the chancellor of Columbia International University.

Following "nations village" presentation, we will have dinner meal, cultural performance, and final talk by Dr. Murray to both Internationals and American friends.

If you could come, please write an email a.s.a.p. to my friend, Jere from VBCC at

We are looking forward to partner with you if you sense God's call to do global summer outreach together.

Thanks and blessing,


ps: Video from last year summer global outreach:

Monday, February 13, 2012

Living the Mission: World Missions Offering

A church member shared her experiences Loving God, Loving Others, and Living the Mission:

I have promised myself that I will go on an international mission trip in the next few years because I feel this is what God wants. While waiting in the church lobby, I read a World Missions Offering (WMO) flyer and realized this was an opportunity to have a world impact starting locally.

My husband and I are trying to instill in our children a desire to help others. Their grandmother presented them with money and a challenge—spend half on themselves and half doing something for others less fortunate. They were overjoyed to buy toys for Operation Christmas Child. Seeing their excitement, I took WMO boxes to their daycare and asked if we could do a fundraiser. We set up a week-long penny war between the pre-K and Kindergarten classes. I thought I would be collecting and counting just a few dollars each day, but by the end, the children had raised $500! I asked them if they knew where the money was going and they knew exactly where and what it could do for others! I am fortunate that our daycare provider not only allowed this fundraiser but educated the children and sent out a link to First Baptist Church of Norfolk and the WMO.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Living the Mission: Shepherd's Class on Mission

After being challenged in Leadership Training, the Shepherd’s Class went into action. We met with the principal of Rena B. Wright Primary School in South Norfolk, a school where 320 K-2 students receive free breakfast/lunch and 70 staff work diligently to assure the children’s needs are met. Our class took on the mission. The ladies in the class delivered packages of homemade cookies for the staff in November, along with a note that thanked them for their service and said that we hope to encourage and bless them to demonstrate that God loves them and so does First Baptist Norfolk.
We asked for a family for Christmas and the school gave us a grandmother and her three grandchildren. In December we provided clothing and toys for each child. The grandmother was overcome with joy when she received food, gifts, and a gift card and said, “Thank you Jesus.” We all cried and we knew for sure that it is more blessed to give than receive. Monthly projects are planned to supply needs for this school, which will lead up Big Serve, when we plan to serve hotdogs on the grounds. What an opportunity to let these families know God loves them and so do we at First Baptist Norfolk!
If you want to help, contact Wayne Parrish at 410-9516.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Living the Mission: Police Chaplains

Three of our members serve faithfully as Chaplains with the Virginia Beach Police Department. These men perform a variety of duties in their roles as police chaplains. In riding with the officers, they support them with everything from traffic direction while the officers work an accident scene to crowd control – frequently the mere presence of a chaplain is enough to deescalate errant behaviors of unruly groups. They also provide counseling with the officers, hospital visits, and, of course, death notifications. The police culture is a very tight-knit group of real public servants who, every day, put their lives on the line to protect our rights and freedoms here at home, and they love the calm, steady presence of their chaplains.
Last month, all three of First Baptist’s police chaplains were involved in the Cops and Kids program for underprivileged children, which gives youngsters an opportunity to share in Christmas in a way that would otherwise be impossible for them. One young man in the program bought himself one small gift, and then spent the rest of his shopping allowance on gifts for others. What a great day!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Disaster Relief Training Opportunities

If you are interested in participating in Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBDR) Training, please take advantage of the opportunities offered below. Advance training and credentialing are required to participate in SBDR. The one day, 8:00am to 5:00 pm training workshop will be held on Saturdays in February and March. The cost for first time training is $30.00 and $20.00 for recertification. Register at:

The dates and locations for training are:

February 11-Poquoson Baptist Church, Poquoson
March 10-Colonial Heights Baptist Church, Colonial Heights
March 24-Spotswood Baptist Church, Fredericksburg
March 31-Great Neck Baptist Church, Virginia Beach

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Living the Mission: Students on Mission

The 9:30am Ninth grade Bible Study participated in Operation Christmas Child for their November mission project. One Sunday after church, twenty-three ninth graders gathered with bags of toys, hygiene items, candy and school supplies they had brought. The items filled sixteen shoeboxes! The students also enclosed a picture of their Bible Study class and a handwritten note wishing the recipient a Merry Christmas and letting them know that Jesus loves them. The boxes were given to Samaritan’s Purse and ultimately shipped to children in poor and/or unreached countries throughout the world. In January, Samaritan’s Purse notified the class that part of the shoeboxes were distributed to children in the Balkans!

For their December project, the class worked at Norfolk’s Union Mission. One Saturday, nineteen ninth graders ‘shopped’ in the warehouse for an array of nonperishable food items and packaged those items in large boxes for needy families in Hampton Roads to pick up the following week. The Mission’s goal for the class was to fill 100 boxes during the two hour time-frame they were scheduled to work, but the students completed 176 boxes. The volunteer supervisor from the mission said no group had ever put together that many boxes in two hours! Great job living the mission ninth grade students!