Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Live the Mission this Summer!

     Are you ready for the summer?  When we consider being READY for the summer images of inner tubes, fishing poles, and lemonade fill our minds.  As we seek to be Missionary Followers of Christ we need to look beyond the rest and relaxation components of summer to ask God, "How will I actively and passionately follow Jesus this summer?"

     There are many normal activities that we embrace such as Vacation Bible School, fellowship gatherings, and substituting in needed areas as fellow members travel and vacation.  While these are wonderful things to engage in, we need to continually ask God  if he doesn't have something more in mind for us.

     A popular commercial right now shows a man who has mastered the word "and."  Every time he goes into job interviews, faces a firing squad, etc. he simply asks the one word question, "And?"  To which those with whom he is speaking expand the original plan for something bigger and better than he would have ever expected.

     We need to ask the same of God this summer.  I know that there are those standard experiences that I expect to have every summer, but as I step out in faith, when are some of those times that I could follow Jesus into if I simply asked "And?"  This requires us to be ready for God's answer as he leads us to greater opportunities to make a God-sized impact on our world.

     Many of our international teams are forming and preparing for great opportunities to take the gospel to the uttermost parts of the world.  There are needs with these teams and possibly even last minute opportunities to join them in living the mission globally.  Follow our blog for updates and/or contact us if you have questions or interests in serving.  Will you ask God, "And?"

     In addition to our VBS efforts, we are preparing for two significant Missions VBS opportunities with St. Mary's home for disabled children as well as the International families at ODU.  These will be game changers as we impact families who are facing many needs that extend beyond a five day event for their children.  Will you ask God, "And?"

     Another way in which God is moving our members is to reach out to those living in some of our regions most challenging neighborhoods.  Works in the South Norfolk area of Chesapeake and the Park Place area of Norfolk are giving our members tangible opportunities to serve in the community among the least of these.  We are praying that God will continue to open great doors of ministry in these areas and that the Lord of the Harvest will raise up laborers to serve.  Will you ask God, "And?"

     While many of our members have engaged successfully in the mission of our church, there are still many who remain on the fence trying to find that point of entry for them and their families.  That is where MFC (Missionary Followers of Christ) training comes in.  We are planning a time in which we will intentionally invest a Saturday morning in June and July with the purpose of training and applying that which God is calling us to.  We will actively engage people on the Tide light rail, at cultural events in the region, at the World Market on Newtown road, etc.  Will you ask God, "And?"

     There are many more, but I am not writing this to sell you another program.  This call is for us as missionary followers of Christ to make an eternal impact through God's call to live the mission on a daily basis.  Where will you start today?

Will you ask God, "And?"

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