Thursday, January 26, 2012

Living the Mission: Students on Mission

The 9:30am Ninth grade Bible Study participated in Operation Christmas Child for their November mission project. One Sunday after church, twenty-three ninth graders gathered with bags of toys, hygiene items, candy and school supplies they had brought. The items filled sixteen shoeboxes! The students also enclosed a picture of their Bible Study class and a handwritten note wishing the recipient a Merry Christmas and letting them know that Jesus loves them. The boxes were given to Samaritan’s Purse and ultimately shipped to children in poor and/or unreached countries throughout the world. In January, Samaritan’s Purse notified the class that part of the shoeboxes were distributed to children in the Balkans!

For their December project, the class worked at Norfolk’s Union Mission. One Saturday, nineteen ninth graders ‘shopped’ in the warehouse for an array of nonperishable food items and packaged those items in large boxes for needy families in Hampton Roads to pick up the following week. The Mission’s goal for the class was to fill 100 boxes during the two hour time-frame they were scheduled to work, but the students completed 176 boxes. The volunteer supervisor from the mission said no group had ever put together that many boxes in two hours! Great job living the mission ninth grade students!

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