Monday, February 20, 2012

Living the Mission: Project Hats of Hope

A church member shared her experiences Loving God, Loving Others, and Living the Mission:

The Hats of Hope ministry began with my passion to crochet. I knew God gave me this talent, but was unsure how to transform it into something more. I prayed for wisdom and God answered through an advertisement I saw for St. Jude Hospital. I immediately realized I needed to make hats for children battling cancer. I mentioned my vision for this project to my home Bible study group and they encouraged me. We prayed, set a goal to make fifty hats for a children’s hospital, and have been working ever since. Friends and coworkers who are non-Christians have joined us in this effort. We met our goal! We delivered the hats to children at Portsmouth Naval Medical Center in mid-January. In mid-February we delivered hats to K-Love for babies/children in Afghanistan and to Hope Haven for Romanians in the midst of a brutally cold winter.

It is an absolute pleasure every time we meet to make hats. God is leading and using us in ways we never imagined. Our new goal is to adopt an orphanage and make hats for the children there. Further, we intend to sell hats to support missions. God is using our hands to make something beautiful—something that will impact a child’s life.

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