Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Living the Mission: LTM Cafes

The Missions ministry has begun to host cafés where church members can hear firsthand how God is at work around the world and how to become involved.

In November, a missionary to the Calcutta region of India shared how God is transforming lives there. Brent Waldrep, missionary to Peru, shared in December about the amazing things God is doing in this South American country. Our church first partnered with Brent while he served in Brazil and has continued to work with him since his relocation. We will be sending mission teams to serve in India and Peru this summer in support of these ministries.

In February we hosted a missionary to the Middle East who told powerful stories of how God is drawing Muslims unto Himself. She shared about what life is like in a Middle Eastern country and demonstrated how to share the gospel with Muslim women using henna. Brochures about this art form of evangelism are available in the Live the Mission Center. If you would like to learn more about how to reach out to Muslim women or participate in a future Live the Mission Café [our next one is scheduled for March 25th and will focus on jail and prison ministry], please contact the missions office at 466.5181 or sluttrull@firstnorfolk.org.

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