Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Outreach for Christ


Prayer Ministry: Several people to come in to help Ramona enter data in the prayer calendar that goes out every Thursday.

 Phone Callers: Several people to call from OFC’s data list. HUGE need. We want to keep in touch with our supporters.

Toy Repair: Several people to help Bob O. with the toy repairs.

 Street Ministry: Men and Women to go out on Friday night with Wayne and his group to witness The Good News of Jesus.

Jail / Prison Ministry: Several people to go into the Virginia Beach and Norfolk Jails. A time to witness!

Data Entry: There is a huge need for help in this department. Will you consider to help?

Clothing Ministry: OFC is so very blessed to receive clothing from many donors, however, the need for help to sort the clothes into the appropriate place, is a great need.

Intake Coordinator: This is work for several people to unpack the donated boxes received; items then, are sent to the appropriate area.

Toy warehouse assistant to Brenda: Someone to help Brenda with all the toys, yard sale items, and all that she needs help with.

 Dolls: The need for people to clean and dress dolls is great. Would you like to play with dolls while preparing them for Christmas gifts?

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