Thursday, October 4, 2012

Twin Canal Village Opportunity!

I just had the opportunity to tour a subsidized housing area in the heart of Virginia Beach near the intersection of S. Independence and Lynnhaven Pkwy.  As I entered the housing development, there were children everywhere.  They had been released from classes early today, so they were looking for something to do.  

I could not stop and play today as I was there on "official business."
I had the privilege of meeting with Vicki and Suzy who have a heart for this complex that mirrors many of the needs that we have seen in Park Place and Cuffee.  In speaking with these women of God, they shared the needs that exist for someone to work among the approximately 30 Vietnamese residences (which could represent more than 30 families) in this area as well as the other residents who live there.  

While much of the schedule is full throughout the week, they have requested that we pray about serving here on the weekends with these families who are facing many issues that are common in government subsidized housing areas. 

So I am praying for the following:

1.  For God to build a bridge with our Vietnamese Fellowship as we prepare for an upcoming celebration this month.

2.  For God to raise up someone willing to teach ESL in this housing  development.

3.  For groups who would serve in this area on the weekends.

4.  For a liaison who would communicate with the director and assist in facilitating events in this area.

Pray for Twin Canal Village as we seek to begin a new opportunity for First Norfolk in this area of need.

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