Monday, February 13, 2012

Living the Mission: World Missions Offering

A church member shared her experiences Loving God, Loving Others, and Living the Mission:

I have promised myself that I will go on an international mission trip in the next few years because I feel this is what God wants. While waiting in the church lobby, I read a World Missions Offering (WMO) flyer and realized this was an opportunity to have a world impact starting locally.

My husband and I are trying to instill in our children a desire to help others. Their grandmother presented them with money and a challenge—spend half on themselves and half doing something for others less fortunate. They were overjoyed to buy toys for Operation Christmas Child. Seeing their excitement, I took WMO boxes to their daycare and asked if we could do a fundraiser. We set up a week-long penny war between the pre-K and Kindergarten classes. I thought I would be collecting and counting just a few dollars each day, but by the end, the children had raised $500! I asked them if they knew where the money was going and they knew exactly where and what it could do for others! I am fortunate that our daycare provider not only allowed this fundraiser but educated the children and sent out a link to First Baptist Church of Norfolk and the WMO.

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