Thursday, February 16, 2012

International Ministry Opportunity

Kurnia Foe with Global Student Friendship at ODU shared this opportunity with us today:

I want to invite you to come to this coming Saturday event with our partner at the Beach, Virginia Beach Community Chapel (VBCC) which is the key player summer outreach for Internationals J-1 visa workers who are mostly undergraduate students from around the world who take their time off to work and learn English and American culture in the US.

We have almost 20 nations represented by ODU Internationals who are going to present their couintries at "Nations village" at 5:00 PM at Virginia Beach Community Chapel. If you could come one hour early which I encourage to do so in order that you could hear a talk by Dr. George Murray, former TEAM President (TEAM is a mission agency), former missionary to Italy, and now is the chancellor of Columbia International University.

Following "nations village" presentation, we will have dinner meal, cultural performance, and final talk by Dr. Murray to both Internationals and American friends.

If you could come, please write an email a.s.a.p. to my friend, Jere from VBCC at

We are looking forward to partner with you if you sense God's call to do global summer outreach together.

Thanks and blessing,


ps: Video from last year summer global outreach:

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