Tuesday, July 3, 2012

International missions at ODU continues!

Living the mission opportunity at ODU!
Our church has been invited to assist other local churches in preparing 25 bags for a welcome party on August 25th for new international students in partnership with the Global Student Friendship organization.  We have also been invited to have five of our members to serve as table hosts for this luncheon. For more information contact Craig at cclayton@firstnorfolk.org or by calling the church.  Below is a list of the items that they are asking to be included in each of the Welcome Bags.
Dish detergent
Dish towel
Wash cloth
Hand towel
Laundry bag
Laundry detergent
Zip lock bags
Paper towels
Toilet paper (4 pack)
Hand soap (liquid)
Bar soap
Clothes hangars
Rags (several of the generic white cloths)
Local map
Sweets (mini candy bars or...)
****Global Student Friendship will provide us with the bags that need to be filled with the items you purchase.

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