Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Crisis Pregnancy Center Walk for Life

It's not too late to have a part in the Walk for Life!

It is so exciting to watch God move throughout this ministry! The Walk for Life is a special time of year to celebrate with clients and their babies, and recognize the need for rescue of innocent lives from the tragedy of abortion. There are only a few days left until the last Walk event at the zoo, but you can still get involved! Here's how!


We have been thrilled to Walk for Life with hundreds this month, and we are looking forward to the final Walk event this weekend! We are close to reaching the goal of 1,000 sponsored walkers, and you can still join us! Just register online today! We accept pledges after the final Walk event, and you can also sponsor yourself.


We are so thankful for the many devoted volunteers who donate their service to our ministry! We expect more than 1,000 walkers to join us this weekend at the zoo, and we need helping hands to make the event run as smooth as possible. Do you have time to offer this weekend? Call Angie today at 757.410.9703, and we'll gladly find a special role to fit you!


Not able to join us this year at a Walk for Life event? You can still support CPC's ministry to local women and families through your financial donation! Every dollar counts. Just $50 will help provide one hour of ministry services to our clients, including ultrasound, medical consultation, pregnancy tests, options counseling, education and much more! Want to invest in a life? Donate today!

Will YOU help RESCUE?

We appreciate your support, and we are so thankful for hearts sensitive to the need to rescue innocent lives from the tragedy of abortion!

This year, you can make a significant impact on lives through the life-affirming ministry of CPC. Thank you for what you do!

Walk for Life 2011

The Virginia Zoo
Saturday, April 30
3500 Granby St. in Norfolk

Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need;
rescue me from those who pursue me, for they are too strong for me.
- Psalm 142:6 NIV

CPC: 757.410.9703

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