Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mission VBS update

2011 Vacation Bible School

The Big Apple Adventure

2011 Mission VBS: A Partnership with St. Mary's Home for Disabled Children

Join Us for this Special Week of Service!

This year, during our regular week of VBS, June 27--July 1, we will be providing a significantly modified VBS in the afternoons (3:00-5:15 p.m.) to the children at St. Mary's Home for Disabled Children, which is located just a few blocks from the church, off of Kempsville Road, across from Sentara Leigh hospital. There are in excess of 200 staff persons and 78 children at St. Mary's and during our VBS week we will have the opportunity to positively interact, encourage, and share the love of Jesus with both residents and staff. This is a group of people who are frequently overlooked by the general population and they are both amazed and VERY excited that we want to come and minister to them.

You can assured that to spend even a small amount of time with these people will deeply touch your heart!! These children are profoundly impacted by their disabilities and are residents at St. Mary's because their family cannot (or will not) provide their care. Many of the children do not have verbal communication and most are in wheel chairs. Ministering to these precious people will take significant creativity and modifications on our part, but I KNOW the blessings will be great for all of us!!

Just a few very important facts about any one who wishes to participate with us, in any way whatsoever:

EVERY person must have ( or have had) a TB test within the past year and be able to provide the medical results;
You may choose to have your TB test done by your Private Care Physician, or
Their head nurse has graciously agreed to administer TB tests to all of us, free of charge:
· TB tests are administered at St. Mary's only on Tuesdays;

· Test times are 8:00--10:00 a.m.;

· Take test on a Tuesday and return that same week Thursday to have test'read;'

· Due to the extreme sensitivity of these children, IF you have your test done at St. Mary's, it will be necessary to have it done TWICE--6/14 & 6/21 and read TWICE on 6/16 & 6/23;

· We need to let them know in advance, when we are coming for testing, so please call (757-461-3226, ext. 238)or send an email to Beth at bsimpkins@firstnorfolk.org before June 14 and let her know that you plan to have your TB tests done at St. Mary's

Every person must have a valid photo I.D., which will be run through a background system by the on-site sheriff, before entering the actual resident areas;
Daily persons will be asked to complete a simple health screening sheet, asking questions, such as: have you experienced fever, coughing, etc. in the past 24 hours, etc.

ALL participants will be asked to attend a special training regarding confidentiality; policies, etc.

Therefore, it is ESSENTIAL that every person who plans to volunteer with Mission VBS NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY, so that you can be on our list to submit and be informed of special trainings, etc.

Although these requirements may seem very strict, again, these children have profound disabilities; many of them have multiple tubes, machines, etc. that help support their life and it is of paramount importance to guard them from infections, etc., as these could become potentially fatal.

I am asking that YOU pray.......about YOUR involvement in Mission VBS.......pray for the children and staff to whom we will be ministering......pray for the team of our staff and VBS leaders who will serve these precious children during VBS. God has a mighty plan in store for us and I am excited to see what He and He alone will do through us!! To God be the glory!!!

Thanks for your prayers and support and I am hopeful that many of you will choose to serve with us during this very special experience!

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