Monday, June 20, 2011

Living the Mission: North Suffolk Fellowship Memorial Day Weekend Bash

Sixteen children and adult volunteers cooperated to live the mission by providing various services using our block party trailer, face painting, balloon animals, and other gifts in North Suffolk at the Riverfront Swim Club on Memorial Day weekend. While painting faces and caring for children on the inflatables, our members heard repeated comments such as:

"What a great idea for a church to serve the residents of our community! Thank you for doing this for our family."

"We visited your church before and loved it, but we really need something closer to where we live for regular fellowship."

Please pray for our members who live in Suffolk as they seek to reach their neighbors and the many residents who have expressed a desire to worship where they live. Pray also for surveys we are conducting in North Suffolk neighborhoods to inform residents about our plans and to get to know them. Pray for a leadership team that will seek to reach this area for Christ and for our church’s involvement in upcoming events in which the Swim Club has invited us to participate.

For more information about our work in North Suffolk, contact the missions office or join our North Suffolk Fellowship Facebook group.

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