Monday, June 27, 2011

Living the Mission: Let's Do Lunch [Norfolk Public Schools Edition]

On Saturday, June 11th, First Baptist Norfolk hosted a lunch for pregnant teens and young mothers in the Norfolk Public Schools system. Many of the girls came with their babies as well as other family members. Attendees were served lunch by volunteers from our church as they celebrated their accomplishments—choosing life for their baby, finishing the school year, and (for seniors) graduating from high school. This event gave the girls a chance to meet those from other schools who are in their same situation and reach out to each other, as well as to obtain information about resources (health, jobs, counseling, etc.) that can be of use to them in the summer while school is not in session. They received gift bags filled with donations of baby supplies given by church members, as well as information about upcoming programs at our church. Some of the young ladies wrote down prayer requests on cards that were provided and we have been able to partner with them in prayer. This lunch was an opportunity to show the girls the love of Christ in a tangible way. We hope this will be the beginning of a sustained relationship with these girls.

If you are interested in volunteering with this ministry, please contact the missions office at 466.5181 or

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