Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cuffee Community Center Update

A big thanks to everyone for all your help this school year with Wild Wednesdays! It has been challenging at times, but it has been a huge blessing to be part of God's work there! We were able to celebrate a salvation during our time there last week, as Craig Clayton was able to pray with Keonte, one of our 4th grade boys, to receive Jesus into his heart! Mr. Mike is going to try to continue to connect with Keonte and work through the New Believers' book for kids. This is so exciting!!!

Melody McMahan did an awesome job sharing her testimony last week with the whole group, and Jay explained what it means to follow Jesus! Nikki Brownfield was able to share the plan of salvation with another little girl and her mom as well, and every child and teenager went home with a tract about becoming a Christian! Lots of seeds have been planted!

The library staff and rec center staff were very appreciative toward us and hopeful that we will be back in the fall. We are planning to return to our weekly program in September, but we don't want to completely disconnect from the people there over the summer and lose the ground we've gained.

We have been talking with the library staff about a few special events we would like to host over the summer and are waiting to hear back from them about details. We are also hoping to bring some of the Cuffee kids to our VBS, so if you would be willing to give kids rides during that week, please let us know. We are planning to scholarship a few children to go to our worship dance camp in July and children's camp in August, so if you are interested in contributing to that, please let us know. You can also stay connected with children and teens there by just hanging out or volunteering at the library or rec center throughout the summer. The children will most likely be there all day everyday, so it would be a good chance to connect with them one-on-one.

Please contact the missions office for more information about ways to serve at Cuffee.

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