Monday, June 6, 2011

Medical Missions Opportunity

We are delighted to announce that we will be planning another Urgent Care Clinic at the Union Mission. The proposed date is July 9th. The format will be much like the last clinic we held at Union Mission. We will have an intake area where folks will get to know the residents and make connections, the patients will be triaged and seen by
providers as their needs are called for, they will be discharged through
nursing/education and then one final and most important evangelism contact
will be made. The facilities are outstanding and the staff at Union Mission go out of their way to make this a tremendous success.

This gives you a general idea of both the flow and manpower needed for such an event. We see between 50-100 residents and many hands make light and effective work! Two of our main medical core folks will not be available for this event, so we can use additional help (both skilled in the medical field and non-skilled to help with other tasks). If you are able to help, please contact Colleen at Thanks and may God bless each one of you.

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