Monday, January 31, 2011

Living the Mission: Women on Mission

Every month, WOM is involved in changing lives through local ministry projects. At Easter we collected and assembled 300+ Baskets of Blessings—Easter baskets filled with candy and gifts—for Edmarc Children's Hospice, Union Mission, Judeo-Christian Outreach Center, and Outreach for Christ. In October, WOM assisted with bingo nights at Cloverleaf Apartments, a supportive housing complex in Virginia Beach. In November we assembled and distributed 200+ toiletry packets filled with items donated by church members to the Union Mission. In December we hosted a Christmas luncheon for Beacon House, a recreation facility for brain-injured adults. This month we are coordinating a baby bottle fundraiser for the Crisis Pregnancy Center.

Elaine Johnson (a resident of Gosnold Apartments, a Virginia Supportive Housing facility in Norfolk) was impacted by the monthly bingo games hosted by our church in which the Women on Mission took part several years ago. She started attending First Baptist, joined a Bible Study group, gave her life to Christ, and was baptized. Elaine is now a member of our church and has participated in WOM activities and Big Serve.

Women on Mission invites YOU to join them on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Lynette Hare at 461-3226 or for details.

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