Monday, January 31, 2011

Living the Mission: USS Normandy

Spreading Christmas Cheer with the Crew and Families of the USS NORMANDY

Our church had the privilege of adopting the USS NORMANDY during their recent deployment. As part of our support we hosted and cared for their children in cooperation with their monthly Family Readiness Group (FRG) meetings, sent care packages to the single Sailors, and sent a huge signed 4th of July banner to the ship. On December 20 a team from our church delivered goodie bags to the single Sailors returning from deployment.

Bronson Simmons, Journey Ministry Intern, had the opportunity to take part in this outreach and found it to be a very meaningful time: "I got to participate in the excitement as loved ones greeted their Sailors at the deployment's end; hugs and kisses were passionately passed around and many thanks were given for the bags of treats we handed out to the single Sailors. A great moment was the appreciation from my good friend and fellow First Norfolk member when we welcomed him home; it was truly a great opportunity to bring the fragrance of Christ to the crew and families of the ship!"

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