Thursday, January 20, 2011

Buckets of Hope

St. Lucia is one of the Windward Islands located in the Eastern Caribbean. It lies just south of Martinique and is known for its ecotourism as a popular vacation destination.

On October 31, 2010 the island of Saint Lucia was ravaged by Hurricane Tomas. While no part of the island was left unscathed, the town of Soufriere was most affected. Thirty hours of rain on the small tropical island caused heavy damage to the town of Soufriere—the most recognized part of the island.

As a native of Soufriere, St. Lucia and a graduate of Regent University, I am asking churches to help put together I000 Buckets of Hope for the people of Soufriere, St.Lucia. I have patterned with Hope Charitable Services of Virginia Beach, VA. They are helping make this possible. See the flyer for details (also posted on the blog).

The Government of St. Lucia has already set-up various means of contributing support. It is the desire of this effort to work in a complementary fashion, if at all, as I consider how best to help. It is also known that many activities have taken place and others are being planned in the days and months to come.

We would like to have all hope buckets ready and available to be picked or delivered by Thursday, February 3rd at 1541 Centerville Turnpike, Virginia Beach, VA 23464 between the hours of 9:30 AM. TO 2:30 P.M.

Thank you in advance for your consideration. I look forward to answering any further questions. For more information or to contact Hope Charitable Services or call one of the following individuals:

Frank Allan: 757-393-0664 or Cyril Mc Kenzie: 757-761-0971


Harvey Cenac


Please refer to the list below for items that are urgently needed.

Many thanks for your generosity.

· Powdered milk

· Canned Fish/tuna/sardine/salmon

· Canned meat/corned beef/sausage

· Rice

· Pasta

· Flour, Sugar, Salt, Oil

· Vinegar

· Powder seasoning

· Canned soup

· Canned vegetables

· Dried peas and beans

· Hot & cold cereal

· Coffee/tea/hot chocolate

· Toilet paper, bath soap

· Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Combs/brushes

· Rubber gloves, bleach, disinfectant

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