Friday, March 11, 2011

Living the Mission: Women on Mission--UPDATE

Women on Mission (WOM)—UPDATE

The Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater (CPC) is a Christ-centered organization that reaches out to women and families involved in crisis-related pregnancies by offering them help for the present, hope for the future, and healing for their past. CPC offers several ministries:

• The Keim Centers, located in Virginia Beach, Portsmouth and Suffolk, provide counseling, education, and practical support for women and families facing unintended pregnancies.
• Purespective is a youth educational program that promotes healthy relationships through a lifestyle of sexual integrity.
• The Abortion Recovery Ministry offers emotional and spiritual guidance to post-abortive women for forgiveness, healing and peace through Jesus Christ.

Recently, the WOM sponsored a fundraiser for CPC. Bible Study classes collected money and individuals, including youth and children, filled baby bottles with loose change. Through the generosity of our members, over $4,777 has been collected thus far to support the ministries CPC offers throughout Hampton Roads.

Our next missions project is Baskets of Blessing, where we fill Easter baskets with candy, gifts, and a Christian pamphlet. They are delivered to children in need in our community—those who live in shelters, have disabilities, or have parents in jail. Contact Lynette Hare at or 461.3226 ext. 236 for more information.

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