Monday, March 28, 2011

Living the Mission: Cuffee Community Center Update

Every Wednesday afternoon, Chesapeake Fellowship offers free music, tutoring, dance, games, crafts, sack dinners, and Bible stories at the Cuffee Community Center as part of our ‘Wild Wednesdays’ program. Through this outreach, we have had the privilege of becoming part of the Cuffee family as we’ve built relationships with children and adults as well as the community center and library staff. God has blessed this ministry and we recently began a group for teens. This gospel has been clearly presented in their time together as they’ve explored the Bible to learn how to apply God’s Word to real-life situations.

Through this partnership, our church has been invited to participate in community events and we are planning to take part in their upcoming Easter celebration. Some exciting opportunities at the Cuffee Community Center in the near future are:

• the Community Health Medical Ministry Team of First Baptist Norfolk has plans
to host a medical clinic there
• Chesapeake Fellowship is planning two Saturday events this spring—a boys’
sports event and a girls’ luncheon

Please join us in prayer for the work that is going on at Cuffee. To become involved or learn more, contact the Local Missions office at 466.5181 or

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