Monday, March 21, 2011

Living the Mission: Community Health Medical Ministry Team

When we truly experience the Grace of God, how we can NOT choose to lavish that on others? This is what was witnessed at the Union Mission on Saturday March 12th. Over twenty members of the First Baptist Community Health Medical Ministry Team ran an Urgent Care Clinic for the residents of Union Mission. More than 43 patients were treated for a variety of complaints and our dental team provided compassionate education. A local community service team with whom we partnered offered free HIV testing and counseling. All residents were given extensive discharge instruction and spiritual guidance. Residents and employees of Union Mission marveled at these much-needed services that are rarely made available. Members of the team connected with the patients and shared about God’s strength and grace. Lives were touched and blessed.
This is the second outreach of the Community Health Medical Ministry Team. Our next endeavor will be a Health Fair/Clinic at the Cuffee Community Center in Chesapeake this spring or summer. If God is calling you to partner with this ministry team to provide medical and spiritual healing to those in need in our community, please contact the Missions office (466.5181 or

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