Tuesday, March 29, 2011



Monday, March 28, 2011

Living the Mission: Cuffee Community Center Update

Every Wednesday afternoon, Chesapeake Fellowship offers free music, tutoring, dance, games, crafts, sack dinners, and Bible stories at the Cuffee Community Center as part of our ‘Wild Wednesdays’ program. Through this outreach, we have had the privilege of becoming part of the Cuffee family as we’ve built relationships with children and adults as well as the community center and library staff. God has blessed this ministry and we recently began a group for teens. This gospel has been clearly presented in their time together as they’ve explored the Bible to learn how to apply God’s Word to real-life situations.

Through this partnership, our church has been invited to participate in community events and we are planning to take part in their upcoming Easter celebration. Some exciting opportunities at the Cuffee Community Center in the near future are:

• the Community Health Medical Ministry Team of First Baptist Norfolk has plans
to host a medical clinic there
• Chesapeake Fellowship is planning two Saturday events this spring—a boys’
sports event and a girls’ luncheon

Please join us in prayer for the work that is going on at Cuffee. To become involved or learn more, contact the Local Missions office at 466.5181 or sfreeman@firstnorfolk.org.

Christian Bike Meet

The First Annual
Christian Bike Meet

But first . . . . . We need your help!

Yes we want to organize a Christian fellowship Motorcycle event. We are looking at sometime in early summer. We are going to begin with groups from Glad Tidings Church and First Baptist Church of Norfolk.

Let’s organize . . . we need all riders from our two churches and specially invited friends.

• MAYBE A SMALL REGISTRATION FEE OF $10 which will include lunch at noon
• A charted course with checkpoints to ‘collect’ special cards with bible verses -
you will need to collect all verses
• After about 5 checkpoints, we end up at a BBQ cookout with music, fellowship, a
guest speaker and maybe some prizes
• All kinds of motorcycles welcome . . .’ bring em on’

What we need
• Rider rosters from both churches
• Volunteers for the checkpoints, cooking and organizing
• Guest speaker
• A startup committee
Respond via email to:

Glad Tidings Church – Doug Grosz

First Baptist Church – Bo Garvin

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


ForKids is an organization dedicated to breaking the cycle of homelessness and poverty for families and children. To learn more about what they are about or how to become involved with this organization, visit:


Monday, March 21, 2011

Living the Mission: Community Health Medical Ministry Team

When we truly experience the Grace of God, how we can NOT choose to lavish that on others? This is what was witnessed at the Union Mission on Saturday March 12th. Over twenty members of the First Baptist Community Health Medical Ministry Team ran an Urgent Care Clinic for the residents of Union Mission. More than 43 patients were treated for a variety of complaints and our dental team provided compassionate education. A local community service team with whom we partnered offered free HIV testing and counseling. All residents were given extensive discharge instruction and spiritual guidance. Residents and employees of Union Mission marveled at these much-needed services that are rarely made available. Members of the team connected with the patients and shared about God’s strength and grace. Lives were touched and blessed.
This is the second outreach of the Community Health Medical Ministry Team. Our next endeavor will be a Health Fair/Clinic at the Cuffee Community Center in Chesapeake this spring or summer. If God is calling you to partner with this ministry team to provide medical and spiritual healing to those in need in our community, please contact the Missions office (466.5181 or sfreeman@firstnorfolk.org).

Friday, March 11, 2011

Living the Mission: Women on Mission--UPDATE

Women on Mission (WOM)—UPDATE

The Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater (CPC) is a Christ-centered organization that reaches out to women and families involved in crisis-related pregnancies by offering them help for the present, hope for the future, and healing for their past. CPC offers several ministries:

• The Keim Centers, located in Virginia Beach, Portsmouth and Suffolk, provide counseling, education, and practical support for women and families facing unintended pregnancies.
• Purespective is a youth educational program that promotes healthy relationships through a lifestyle of sexual integrity.
• The Abortion Recovery Ministry offers emotional and spiritual guidance to post-abortive women for forgiveness, healing and peace through Jesus Christ.

Recently, the WOM sponsored a fundraiser for CPC. Bible Study classes collected money and individuals, including youth and children, filled baby bottles with loose change. Through the generosity of our members, over $4,777 has been collected thus far to support the ministries CPC offers throughout Hampton Roads.

Our next missions project is Baskets of Blessing, where we fill Easter baskets with candy, gifts, and a Christian pamphlet. They are delivered to children in need in our community—those who live in shelters, have disabilities, or have parents in jail. Contact Lynette Hare at lhare@firstnorfolk.org or 461.3226 ext. 236 for more information.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Living the Mission: Vietnamese Community Fellowship

Through the cooperative efforts of the Catalyst Team and other members of our church, an amazing work has begun in the Vietnamese community in Hampton Roads. We praise God for the work He continues to do in this large segment of our local population (between 3,000 and 4,000 people).

Our preliminary interactions with the Vietnamese community were in the form of fellowships—mostly social functions where relationships were developed. At our three previous gatherings, we had 60, 97, and 89 in attendance. On Sunday, February 27th, at our official launch of Bible Study and worship, there were 31 in attendance. At the end of the service, two high school students prayed to receive Christ!

We will soon be starting two small-group Bible studies in Virginia Beach and Chesapeake. Once a month on the third Sunday of each month, we will gather back at Crossroads Center for a large-group Bible study and worship service. God has provided a Vietnamese pastor from Richmond to lead Bible studies and worship services in the Vietnamese language.

Please continue to pray for this new ministry that it will be a vehicle to reach the unsaved from this community.