Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First Norfolk's Very Own Iron Chef this Thursday!

One of our Chef's at the Gosnold apartment ministry recently shared with me some plans that they have for future meetings. Bible study always follows and is led by Tracy Carlson who is doing a great job.

Hello Everyone,

This is the full explained out version of what we are doing this Tursday for Gosnold. Mike and Wilma will be doing this on January 21. I contacted everyone about their part in this Thursday's Gosnold event. It will be our second annual "Dinner From the Dollar Store." The extra twist is that we are going to have an Iron Chef challenge to it. The whole underlying reason behind January's events events are looking in your cupboard and trying to fix dinner from what you see in there. Dinner from the Dollar Store comes in because it is January right after the holidays and the money is usually the lowest now. For January 7 Janet has already bought her food items for a 3 course dinner. She will bring them to Gosnold and set them up on one of the tables and then cover them with a sheet (or a covering of some kind) . This is where the Iron Chef part comes in. Everything is covered up because I will have to look at the food items she bought for the first time ever AFTER the sheet has been removed from the table. In the length of time that it takes to play the music from final jeopardy I will have to look at these items and then using my own past experiences come up with a 3 course menu of my own from these ingredients. After this music is over I will then have to show my written down menu to Bob. Bob is going to be our chairman of Iron Chef. This is our comedy component here. Bob will introduce this whole evening like the chairman of Iron Chef does on the TV show. Then he will introduce me as the challenger. PLEASE BE REMINDED THAT THIS IS JUST THE COMEDY COMPONENT HERE. I AM ONLY "COMPETING" AGAINST MYSELF TO SHOW THE RESIDENTS HOW NOT HARD IT IS TO FIX A DINNER FROM WHAT THEY HAVE IN THEIR CUPBOARD KNOWING THAT THEY WILL NOT HAVE TO MAKE DINNER FOR 24 PEOPLE AT THE SAME TIME! I will then have to cook my menu and then help serve it to everyone. I will also be trying to tell any and all variations of what I am cooking at the same time to try to give as much information knowledge as I can while I am cooking it.It should be a very informative and fun night. Please come out and join us if you can.

Craig Clayton has asked me to try to keep him informed of our activities about a month ahead of time so he can include them on his Big Serve information sheet so others can participate in them if they want to. This is why I was thinking if we wanted to do our favorite dessert for February 4. I am trying to set up a chocolate demo from a pastry chef friend of mine. More details on this later. See you Thursday night.

In HIS name,

Dennis Bailey

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